the jango tango

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Obi wan:  I can't believe I FINALLY convinced the council to bring some music in the Jedi temple.  It gets so dull in here sometimes

Anakin:  I'm just glad that the council made a decision I could actually agree on

Obi wan:  Ahsoka, did you get the boom box?

Ahsoka:  oh I got it alright

Ahsoka:  I stole it from 79's

Anakin:  ahsoka I told you NOT to go there

Ahsoka:  hehehehe

Obi wan:  LETS HIT IT

*music starts playing*

Obi wan:  Ummm.  Anakin.  Why are your men dancing?

Anakin:  oh, you probably mean hardcase.  He's always dancing

Obi wan:  that may be true, but I never thought I'd see the day captain Rex doing the salsa... with Cody

Ahsoka:  shut the front door!

Anakin:  that cant be right.  The closest thing I've ever seen Rex do to dancing is the Macarena

Ahsoka:  shut the other front door!

Anakin:  and even then, he managed to slip on a banana peel

Ahsoka:  huh, so that's how he messed up his chin

Obi wan:  uh guys?  Why are you all dancing?


Wolffe:  Plo?

Fives:  NO!  Our other daddy, JANGOOOO

Echo:  now everybody do the JANGO TANGO

*literally every clone is dancing*

Ahsoka: well that's interesting

Ahsoka: I wonder what will happen if I do this

*ahsoka turns off the music*

Clones: AHHHHH

*clones all fall to the floor on top of each other*

Anakin: wth. Were you guys possessed or something

Rex: yeah

*hardcase still dancing

Rex: except for hardcase obviously

*echo is also dancing*

Rex: and echo who is surprisingly a good dancer

Obi wan: so why were the rest of you dancing?

Cody: i don't know honestly. It just happens every time there's music and it's jango's birthday

Mace: it's because jango used to do something called the jango tango every year on his birthday

Anakin: how do you even know that?

Mace: I saw him doing it once and I just had a sudden urge to decapitate him

Mace: it was so bad

Ahsoka:  then get out of here, cause I'm gonna start the music again

*ahsoka turns on music*


hardcase:  this is the best day of my life!!

Echo:  me too!

*echo starts break dancing*


Wolffe *crying*:  make it stopp

Comet:  YES!  Wolffe is dancing

Cody:  work it, wolffe!

Rex:  uhh fives, I know we're possessed, but can you tone it down a bit?

Fives:  sorry captain, but this ass was born to twerk

Waxer:  I need to bleach my eyes

Boil:  or you could just boil them

Waxer:  no thanks, not since the time you told me boiling my hair off was a good idea


Rex:  I slipped on a banana peel!  Again!

Anakin:  that's what happens when you dance too hard

Rex:  who keeps putting banana peels everywhere I go?

Rex:  and how can one person eat so many bananas?

Kix:  bananas are very nutritious

Rex:  KIX?!!

Kix:  oh I don't put banana peels on the floor, that was tup

Rex:  TUP

Rex:  I'm gonna incinerate all of your Tupperware!! 

Tup:  no!  Please sir, don't!!  I won't do it again

Comet:  I'm so proud of you

Dogma:  and I'm just disappointed

Rex:  I think I just broke my knee

Obi wan:  I genuinely wonder if Rex's cause of death will be battle droids or his own men

Cody:  no clanka is good enough to kill Rex

Rex:  but my men are?

Cody:  perhaps

Tup:  it would only be by accident

Rex:  yeah, like how I'm going to "accidentally" throw your Tupperware into a sarlaac pit

Anakin:  damn, not even I would do that

Ahsoka:  that's only because you don't want to go to tatooine

Fives:  nah, it would be an accident like how Rex accidentally did a BANANA split and broke his knee

Rex:  oh yeah?  Well what if I "accidentally" stunned you and turned your 5 tattoo into a 6

Fives:  hey!


Wolffe:  guys we've been dancing for like five hours now

Boost:  I don't think I'm gonna have the ability to even walk tomorrow

Ahsoka:  sorry guys, watching this has been too much fun

*ahsoka turns off the music*

Cody:  guys, I think I'm going to "accidentally" steal wolffe's eye

Wolffe:  not if I "accidentally" shave your head first

Cody *gasps*:  you wouldn't!

Fives: I love this "accident" trend

Fives: I'm gonna "accidentally" give the wolfpack dog food in the mess hall

Sinker: over my dead body!

Kix: wait, so is it true that the Wolfpack has rabies?

Comet: how about I bite you and we'll find out

Anakin: umm, things are getting a little out of hand

Obi wan: yeah...

*ahsoka turns the music back on*

A lot of the inspiration for writing the Wolfpack the way I do comes from CommanderWolffe3636  who by the way has AWESOME books that you guys should actually check out. If you don't read Part of the Pack, you're really missing out.

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