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Luke: master yoda, when are we going to start my training??

Yoda: you must learn patience, young skywalker

Luke: but I've been here for three days doing nothing but finding firewood for you to cook your stupid soup!

Yoda:  remember, whining leads to the dark side

Luke:  I'm not even surprised.  Does everything lead to the dark side?!

Obi wan:  pretty much

Luke:  obi wan why did you have to die, now I have to train with yoda and he won't even let me use my lightsaber to chop wood!

Obi wan:  yoda is wise, remember that

Luke:  I swear, I'm gonna lose my mind if I have if I have to listen to one more inverted sentence

Yoda:  listen to me, you must


*luke runs off*

Obi wan:  where is he going?

R2: he's probably going to go vandalize something

Obi wan:  oh my

Obi wan:  did Luke seriously just write "my name is jabba the butt" on Yoda's roof with his lightsaber

R2:  yup

Obi wan:  now that is the path to the dark side

Yoda:  satisfied, are you?  By giving in to your anger?

Luke:  yeah actually

Luke: can I train now?

Luke: I want to lift some rocks

Yoda: the temperament of his father when he was nine, Luke has

Luke: did you just say I'm nine?

Obi wan:  it could've been worse yoda, Luke would never write bad words on your house.  Anakin on the other hand...

Yoda:  not anymore, does Anakin have any hands.  hmhmhmmh

Obi wan:  I wonder if it is a skywalker tradition?

Luke:  it better not!  I'm not losing any of my hands anytime soon

Vader:  we'll see about that

Luke:  but then I can't make any sandcastles :(

Vader:  you are a disappointment to this family

Luke:  what do you mean "this family"

Vader:  I'm your father


Obi wan:  and leia is your sister

Luke:  WHAT

Luke:  so basically my whole life is a lie? 

Leia:  I don't believe this

Vader:  believe it

Leia:  you're not my dad!  Ugly ass kriffin egghead

Vader:  you watch your language young lady!

Obi wan:  I see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

Han:  I need to get off this planet

Han:  you people are crazy

Han:  adios bitchachos

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