the force falls asleep

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Obi wan: has anyone been able to use the force lately?  For some reason my lightsaber wouldn't come to my hand

Anakin:  yeah, my waffles wouldn't come out of the toaster by themselves this morning

Ahsoka:  I couldn't convince the clones to make a human pyramid

Obi wan:  you two never fail to disappoint me

Yoda:  arrived, a prophecy has

Plo koon: what is it?

Yoda: in 50 years, the force will awake

Anakin: you mean I have to toast my waffles myself for the next 50 years?!!

Yoda: fear not young skywalker. The force only sleeps today. Come back tomorrow, it will.

Anakin: oh thank the force

Obi wan: then what is this awakening of the force?

Yoda: reawaken, the force will.

Ahsoka: I am so confused

Yoda: in strange ways, the force works

Fisto: as long as this prophecy has nothing to do with the current war, it's fine by me

Plo koon: is there more you know master yoda?

Yoda: a rebellion shall be lead by a ray

Anakin: like a ray of hope?

Obi wan: the last thing the republic needs right now is a rebellion

Ahsoka: maybe the person leading the rebellion is named ray

Fisto: that's dumb

Secura: I've heard you say dumber things

Vos: who cares, the prophecy takes place in 50 years. We'll probably be dead by then

Ahsoka: I might not be...

Anakin: if anyone is going to be leading a rebellion in fifty years it's going to be my awesome padawan

Obi wan: master yoda, is this rebellion good or bad?

Yoda: the force wills it

Secura:  that totally clears things up

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