who's the best bounty hunter

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Greedo: you guys ain't got nothing on me. I'm the best bounty hunter in the galaxy

Boba fett: I'm literally Jabba's favorite, shut up greedo

Bossk: I made you what you are boba

Boba fett: if I'm being honest, I could've had a better mentor. You and aurra sucked

Aurra sing: I could have made you the best bounty hunter in the galaxy if you stuck around

Cad bane: you're all no match for my skill. I hunt with style

Greedo: the only stylish thing about you is your hat

Mando: yeah, when the hat comes off, you look like an angry blueberry

Cad bane: at least I can actually deliver a bounty unlike you mando

Mando:  it was one time!

Mando:  besides, who could resist that kid

Cad bane:  fine, I'll give you that

Mando:  I'm really enjoying fatherhood.  #noregrets

Jango fett:  I can relate

Boba fett:  dad?!!!

Jango fett:  what's up boba

Boba fett: how are you here??

Jango fett:  my spirit comes back every time a mando adopts a kid

Greedo:  that's kind of weird

Jango fett:  what can I say?  I love my son

Boba fett:  I'm gonna cry

Mando:  too bad you're dead jango.  I think we would have gotten along great

Jango fett:  yeah.  We could have taken our kids to Chuck E. Cheese's together

Boba fett: dad, you know me and mando are roughly the same age, right?

Jango fett:  then why don't you get yourself a kid, boba?  I want a grandchild

Cad bane:  since when we're bounty hunters so family oriented

Mando:  you're just jealous

Cad bane:  ???

Bossk:  not gonna lie, I've been thinking of adopting.  The hunter life gets pretty lonely, ya know?

Jango fett:  exactly

Mando:  babies are a lot of work though.  I've got an entire compartment in my ship full of emergency diapers

Bossk:  ooh thats rough

Bossk:  still want a kid though

Cad bane:  why do I even hang out with you guys

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