rogue done

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K2SO:  hey cassian, want to hear a joke?

Cassian:  sure

K2:  why did the chicken cross the road

Cassian:  why

K2:  to get to the idiots house

K2:  wanna hear a knock knock joke

Cassian:  okay

K2:  knock knock

Cassian:  who's there

K2:  the chicken

Cassian:  ...


Cassian:  I won't wipe your memory on one condition

K2:  what

Cassian:  tell chirrut that joke

K2:  cool, I can murder more people with my joke.

K2:  hey chirrut!  Want to hear the best joke in the galaxy

Chirrut:  the Force tells me that you are going to insult me with whatever joke you wish to tell

K2:  whatever.  You're all too primitive for my humor anyway

Baze:  guys shut up.  Jyn is back from McDonald's.  I hope she has our food

Jyn:  *crying* I don't have enough money for chicken nuggets

Baze:  how dare they make my friend cry.  Maybe I can negotiate the price with my repeating canon

Cassian:  you can't solve all of your problems with a gun

Baze:  I can try

Chirrut:  what you can solve all of your problems with is pie.  You can never go wrong with pie

Jyn: well I wanted to solve my problems with chicken nuggets. And maybe some of their honey mustard sauce. That stuff is so good

K2: it's unfortunate how reliant you people are on food. If you don't get fed for a few days, bam, you guys are useless. Such a weakness

Bodhi: I don't care. I kriffing love food

Cassian:  here's some more money.  Now go get us some food

Jyn:  thanks

Chirrut:  jyn!  Go to chilis this time!

Jyn:  gotcha!

*30 minutes later*

Jyn:  well that settles it.  I am never going to back to chili's again

Bodhi:  why not?

Jyn:  I walked inside and this kid in his underwear came up to me and said "hi welcome to chili's"

Jyn:  I was outta there so fast

Baze:  so no food?

Jyn:  nope

Cassian:  fine.  I'll make something

K2:  as long as you don't blow up the oven, we're good

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