the green falcon 3

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Boba:  remind me why you didn't bring the falcon here

Han:  because I didn't want to be seen flying around in a ship that looks like it belongs to shrek

Boba: what's wrong with shrek

Han: nothing, I just don't want people thinking I'm shrek. And I don't need leia making any more fun of me

Boba: the ogre has fallen in love with the princess! HAHAHAHA

Han: wow, thanks boba

Han: remember that this is still your fault and you're coming with me to the rebel base to fix my ship

Boba:  fine, but I don't think leaving your ship at the rebel base was a good idea.  Those guys hate me

Han:  don't worry about it.  Just stick with me and you'll be fine

*a few hours later*

Han: that wasn't so hard

Boba: that's what she-

Han: I'll kill you if you finish that sentence

Boba: my bad

Han: but seriously, how did you get the paint off by washing it down with a water hose

Boba:  I used that crayola wash off paint instead of like actual paint

Han:  how nice of you

Boba:  I wasn't trying to be.  The wash off paint was the only paint I could find in bulk.  Besides, carrying huge loads of heavy duty paint would have killed my ship

Han:  I see

Han:  hey leia!  Check out the falcon.  she's all good now

Leia:  I'm gonna miss seeing you rip your hair out over the ship

Han:  hey.  Chewie was ripping out a lot more hair than me

Leia:  after seeing how much hair you leave on the shower floor,  I'm starting to think you're the wookie

Boba:  shots fired

Boba:  hey I want my cape back

Han:  ah ya I'm gonna miss it, not gonna lie

Boba:  well sucks to suck.  I'm outta here

Han:  call me will you boba

Boba:  we'll see

May the mass the times acceleration be with you.  Happy Star Wars day ya laser brains

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