a clone christmas

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Echo:  *singing* jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock

Five:  *singing* jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring

*Echo and Fives continue singing together and being adorable beans*


*Hunter shreds the jingle bell rock riff on his guitar with heavy distortion*

Wolffe: i think my head is going to explode from hearing all these Christmas songs

*ahsoka sneaks up on wolffe and puts a Santa hat on him*

*ahsoka sneaks up on wolffe and puts a Santa hat on him*

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Cody: lighten up, wolffe. It's the best time of year!

Rex: oh, you mean the time of year when the 212th have a battalion wide competition on who will get general kenobi the best present?


Cody: I'm not letting Oddball win this time

Oddball: good luck with that, general kenobi loves ME the most!!

Cody: NO

Obi wan: boys, calm down. I love all of you and your gifts equally

Anakin: you sure about that? I'm pretty sure your favorite gift last year was Oddball's pocket mirror. You wouldn't stop looking at yourself for days

Obi wan: well I do have to make sure I look good before a battle, Anakin

Oddball: I rest my case

Cody: grrrrrrrr

Obi wan: don't worry, Cody. I loved your, uh... unicorn themed blaster pistol just as much

Waxer: sure you did

Obi wan: hushhhh

Ahsoka: y'all, the 501st repainted their armor to be red and green

Ahsoka: was this your idea, Rex?

Rex: definitely not. Hardcase insisted

*a wild hardcase appears*

Hardcase: you get eggnog! You get eggnog! EVERBODY GETS EGGNOG

*christmas music stops*

Fives: this tastes like my shaving cream

Echo: you eat your shaving cream??!!

Fives: sometimes. When I get hungry

Hardcase: sorry fives, I had to borrow it since I ran out of whipped cream

*anakin gags*

Obi wan: everyday I thank the maker that I didn't get assigned the 501st

Boil:  there are socks.. EVERYWHERE

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