Chapter Two.

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"Styles, we've been business partners for almost six years and I've never met your wife. Why is that?" Gregg, one of my most important clients asks. He's a large burly man with a balding head and teeth with gaps between them, but he's sharp as a tac and has kept my company alive for years.

"I'm not sure. She comes in every day to bring me my morning coffee. Maybe you're always just here at the wrong time." I shrug back, chuckling as I relax into my seat. My hands clasp together and Gregg shakes his head at me before reaching for the picture frame on my desk. He admires the photograph for a long moment before exhaling.

"She's quite pretty. How about you and her join my wife and I for dinner tonight? We can all go to Daniel and finally get acquainted with each other." He smirks back at me from across my desk and I try to keep my cool, despite him talking so suggestively while inviting Rosie and I out to dinner. I feel bad exposing her to perverted middle-aged business men, but she's good for my image, and for my company. The customers thrive on getting to know me on a personal level and meeting my wife is sure to close some sort of deal.

"That sounds great. Let's meet around seven, yeah? I'll call Rosalie in a bit and let her know." I agree back skeptically and Gregg grins the second the words leave my lips.

"Fantastic. I'll do the same with Kelsey and we'll see you then. Now, I've got to head out but I look forward to this evening." He stands swiftly from his chair and I do the same. My palms run across the fabric of my jacket to flatten out any wrinkles in my suit before I'm reaching a hand out to Gregg. After a firm shake and another goodbye, he leaves my office.

I settle back into my chair and reach for my office phone to dial Rosie's number, but before I can actually make the call, there's a soft knocking on my door, followed by the clicking of heels on the hardwood flooring.

"Mr. Styles, I've got some messages for you here. Oh, and Lisa from HR called looking for you and said to shoot her and email whenever you have the chance." Megan starts rambling things as she paces further into my office after shutting the door behind her. Her hips sway in her skirt as she walks towards me and with a smirk on her lips, she lifts her hand behind her head and removes the clip from her hair to allow the blonde strands to fall perfectly around her shoulders.

"Perfect. Thank you for taking care of things while I was in my meeting." I respond, deciding to go along with her role play. Half the time that she shows up in my office she greets me by first name and admits she had nothing to tell me, but just wanted to say hello.

Other times when she comes in, though, I know exactly what she's looking for when she greets me with Mr. Styles and tells me something work related. She gets off to screwing around with me as her boss and she's not the least bit shy about it.

"You're very welcome. You know, I've been working extremely hard lately to do my job up to your standards. I was hoping maybe you could have a little meeting with me and we could discuss the things you're happy with as well as the things that I could improve on?" She takes a seat on my lap without an invite and immediately leans in to press her lips to my neck. My hand moves up to her leg and I immediately feel my arousal growing with the sensation of her kissing my jaw and her soft thighs under the pads of my fingers.

"That sounds like a good idea. When are you available next, Ms. Walker? Maybe we should review your performance over dinner then go work on a few improvements back at your place." My hand sneaks up under her skirt and she groans the second my fingers brush the lace of her knickers.

"How about tonight?" She drops her lips from my jaw the my neck, then down to my chest. As she moves lower with her mouth, she scoots herself off my lap and suddenly drops to her knees in front of me.

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