Chapter Forty.

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"I'm back at home with Rosie." I tell my father Wednesday evening over a glass of scotch. He's chewing slowly on some peanuts from the bowl on the table while his eyes are glued on the game on the tv above my head.

"For good?" He asks back distractedly.

"No, just for a few days. She had a little breakdown on Saturday and cried on my shoulder so I figured it was a good time to make a reappearance at home for a few days." I spin the amber liquid around in my glass, then glance up at the game he's been watching.

"I'm glad to hear you're concerned about her like that. Always used to break my heart when your mum would cry. My second wife, too. Women crying in general is just bad." He reaches for more peanuts and I nod in agreement.

"It kills me when Rosie cries. I've seen her cry probably twice since her mum's been diagnosed with her cancer, beat her cancer, then was diagnosed again. But sometimes she tears up just because she misses me and it makes me feel like I'm neglecting a harmless puppy." I rub my eyes with my hands, then look down just as my phone vibrates on the table.

R: Come home?

Attached with the message is a picture of her hand covering one of her tits while the other is completely exposed. I nearly spit my drink back out onto the table while analyzing the photo.

She's much less of a harmless puppy now.

"That's love, son. She could have you on your hands and knees begging for her to change her mind and come back to you over the simplest disagreement. Your mother was wonderful with that." He shakes his head at the memories and I do the same.

"I've actually been meaning to talk to you about something for a few days. Your mother called..."

"No. Absolutely not. Don't even finish that." I lift my glass to my lips and quickly down the remainder of the drink. There's another refilled glass in its place before I'm even done swallowing.

The flirty blonde waitress smirks at me while stepping over to ask my dad if he wants a refill, even though she didn't bother asking me before assuming. I can only chuckle at her actions while reaching for my phone to text Rosie back.

H: I'll probably be there faster if you send a few more pictures... Xx

If we're going to have sex tonight for the tenth time in three days, we might as well have some fun with it for a change.

"What are you smiling about?" My father speaks up, drawing me away from my thoughts. I look over the picture she sent me again, then up at him.

"Rosie's sending me pictures trying to get me to come home." I answer with a chuckle. She couldn't bring me breakfast today for the first time this week due to some party she had to run cupcakes to. I told her to come see me afterwards but she said she was booked up all day. I never realized how much I missed the rush of screwing around with her in my office until I had to go a day without her.

"What kind of pictures?" He asks back suspiciously. I don't answer, and he catches on seconds later.

"Oh lord. Haven't you two seen enough of each other in the eight years that you've been together?" My father chuckles softly while the waitress sets down his new drink in front of him.

"No, I'm just joking. It makes me happy to see you two still spicing up your bedroom life after this long."

"You say that like we've been married for twenty years. It's only been five." My phone vibrates on the table again and I try not to act giddy.

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