Chapter Fifty Six.

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- Eight Years Ago -

"Baby, dinner will be done soon. Are you almost finished?" I call out to Rosie across the room while stirring the noodles in the pan below me.

"Yeah, just give me another minute." She answers distractedly. Her head is buried in a text book while her hand works to scribble down notes on the paper sitting beside her.

"You can finish that after we eat, y'know. I know we said we'd go for a walk but we can do it tomorrow. I don't want you to feel overwhelmed."

"I'm fine. I just have a couple more pages to do." She mumbles back. I begin scooping the stir-fry like dish on to two plates while silently admiring her from across the room. She looks adorable tucked up in her chair with her hair tied in a messy bun and her brows furrowed in concentration.

"What are you working on?" I wonder in a sweet tone while walking over to her.

"Sociology." She mumbles back. I manage to chuckle from her obvious response even though I can tell it was just temporary to shut me up.

"I know that, babe. That's kind of what your major revolves around. What are you studying about right now though?" I set the plate down beside her text book and set my own down at the spot next to her. She reaches out to take a sip of her water while I reach for my own glass of orange juice. We've been on some sort of non-alcoholic cleanse for the week after we spent all of last weekend in bed recovering from our Friday night that may or may not have involved a fifth of Jack Daniels.

"Harry, can we chat in a little bit? I really need to focus." She looks up at me with stress obvious in her expression.

"Of course. Get your work done, sweetheart." I reach over to pat her leg in assurance then leave my hand resting on her thigh while I begin chewing on a noodle from my plate.

"Did I tell you about what happened on my lunch break today?" I eventually muster up the courage to speak again. Rosie slams her pen down on her book and looks up at me, clearly annoyed.

"Yes, you told me about it earlier on the phone. I'm sorry but I think maybe I should go home. I'm not getting any work done here." She stands from her spot and begins packing up her things, making my eyes widen in surprise.

"What? No! Rosie, you can't leave. We were supposed to go on a walk later in Central Park and I bought your favorite kind of ice cream for us to have after dinner." I watch her load her things into her book bag and pout to myself like a young child not understanding why he's in trouble for something he's clearly at fault for.

"I'm sure you can take a raincheck on the walk and I'll be back at your apartment sometime this week. I have a feeling that the ice cream will be just as good then." She walks across the room to gather more of her belongings while I continue to stare at her.

"I can go eat in our room and you can have the whole kitchen to yourself to study. I really hate the thought of sleeping alone tonight, though." I pathetically confess in return. Rosie slings her book bag over her shoulder and readjusts her sloppy hairdo before leaning down to peck my lips.

"And I made us dinner. You didn't even take a bite. It's really good this time, baby. I got the spices right and everything if you can look past the fact that it tasted horrible last time." I grab her hips to stop her from moving away and she stands between my legs with her arm linked around my neck. I lay my head on her chest in hopes of using my pout to sway her in to staying, but it doesn't seem to be successful.

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