Chapter Thirty Two.

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"Just pull up here." I tell Geoff in a quiet voice as we approach the small red house I've been dreading to see since leaving the apartment. I've only been here once or twice, but never inside the house. I've only driven past it to calm myself down when I hadn't heard from Harry for days and needed reassurance that he at least was sleeping in a house and not out with some strangers somewhere.

"Would you like for me to wait here, Mrs. Styles? I know it's not really my place to intervene, but I'd be happy to go retrieve Mr. Styles for you if you're worried about your safety." Geoff offers as he puts the car in park, then turns back to look at me.

"I appreciate that, Geoff, but you don't have to worry about it. The house looks scarier than it is. I'm just going to get him then you can drive the getaway car, okay?" I ask back, faking a smile as I stare back at Geoff's concerned expression. He nods skeptically, then sits back in his seat.

"I'll be right here if you need me." He assures back. I pat his shoulder as a thanks, then get out of the car with a deep sigh leaving my mouth. Here goes nothing.

When I reach the door, I knock thrice, then step back to wait. I can hear voices and giggling from inside the house, along with footsteps. Harry's deep voice resonates from the back of the house and I sigh in relief at the sound. I didn't want to have to come find him here like this, but I'm happy to at least know he's safe.

As another moment passes, the locks on the other side of the door click, then Eva is standing behind the screen door with a surprised look on her face. Nothing is covering her body below the waist, but one of Harry's familiar shirts hangs loosely off of her shoulders to cover her bare torso.

"Rosie, I..." She clamps her mouth shut, then glances over her shoulder. Her eyes turn back to me again and I cross my arms over my chest while waiting for her to speak.

"Hi. Sorry, you sort of caught me off guard." She finally says in a somewhat sturdy voice.

"It's fine. Is Harry here?" I ask back. She purses her lips and stares blankly at me for a few seconds, then nods.

"I guess I knew I had to give him back to you eventually." She comments with a stiff laugh. I nod uncomfortably, then step inside when she holds the door open for me. Her tiny house smells like scented candles and sex.

"He's in the back if you want to go get him." She finally says. I nod my head, then quickly turn away to pace down the hall. I'm dreading the thought of how I'll find him, but I'm also eager to see him again. He's been gone for four days just to stay with Eva and we've only spoken to one another over text. I haven't heard from him since yesterday afternoon, though, and now here I am, ready to retrieve him from his supposed girlfriends house.

"Baby, who was at the door? And, I found the vibrator under the bed. We can finally start using it again." Harry calls out as I approach the back bedroom. I can hear Eva walking behind me and I brace myself for stepping into the room.

The second I'm standing at the door, my eyes lock with Harry's and we both noticeably stiffen in our posture. The penis-shaped toy falls from his hands and I let out a deep breath of disappointment.

"Oh fuck," he mutters lowly at the realization. He sits up in the bed and my eyes fall to his bare torso and the thin fiery red sheets covering the lower half of his body.

I wonder how many days they've spent together in bed this week.

"Rosie, baby, what are you doing here? I didn't expect... This." He chuckles uncomfortably and attempts to tug the sheets further up his body. I can see a fading hickey on his neck and fingernail marks around his chest and hip area. The sight of all of the marks lingering on his skin from her make me nauseas.

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