Chapter Thirty Five.

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- Eight Years Ago -

"Are you sure this is okay? If you're not ready I will take you home without any questions." Harry continues to pester me as we linger outside of the front door of his apartment. Our hands are latched with each other's at our sides and he can't seem to wipe off his worried expression as he stares down at me.

"I'm so sure, Harry. I swear." I assure back. He chews his lip worriedly and I lean up to kiss his cheek in further reassurance.

I've denied all of his offers for the last five months to stay the night over at his apartment, but when he jokingly brought it up again this afternoon, I finally agreed. I had planned to cave in and sleep over at his place nearly two months ago, but the more that he brought it up, the more I felt the need to deprive him. It's payed off though and now I'm bouncing on the balls of my feet in excitement to finally fall asleep next to him for the first time since we've been seeing each other. Hopefully if all goes well, we won't just be sleeping either.

I've also yet to allow him the satisfaction of getting in my pants. It's been difficult, especially with his natural seductive personality, but it's also paid off. I'm completely ready to offer myself to him fully and he hasn't dared to mention it tonight, likely beings he's too afraid that I'll change my mind if he does. I wouldn't dare make that decision now, but it's sweet thinking he cares that much.

"Deep breaths, baby. This really isn't a big deal." I assure Harry after another moment of silence between us.

"You're right. I'm being ridiculous." He finally agrees. I sigh in relief then lift my hands from his to hold his waist instead while he turns around the let us into the apartment. He seems frantic and nervous about me being over, which I find endearing. In all of the time that we've spent dating I've never once seen him nervous to be around me.

"You can, uh, just make yourself at home. Want me to take your bag?" He asks as we step inside of the dimly lit apartment. It's small and not really anything special, but it's homey and smells like Harry. I've only visited his apartment once before and it was when he had other people over with us. I knew the temptation would be too much for me to handle if it was just him and I hanging out alone together in an area with access to a bed.

"Sure. Thank you." I pass my overnight bag off to him and squeeze his hand gently while he steps away. He offers me a sweet smile, then disappears down the hall towards where I assume the bedrooms are.

With a soft sigh, I kick off my shoes and make my way towards the living room. There's only a few lamps on to illuminate the space, but it's comforting lighting.

Just as I sit down on the couch and fold my legs under myself, Harry returns to the main part of the apartment. His coat is off now and his hair is slightly messier than it was a moment ago.

"So, do you want anything? I have, like, some beer. Or water. I think that's it though." He slips his hands into the pockets of his jeans and I smile back at him.

"I'll take a beer." I answer back. He nods his head and hesitates for a moment, then begins walking towards the kitchen.

This mood on him is positively adorable.

"Are you sure it's cool with your parents that you're here?" Harry calls out from the kitchen. I stand from the couch and walk over towards the tv stand where I can see a stack of movies beside the large television.

"Camellia is over at her boyfriends tonight too so we told them we were going out together and sleeping at a friends. They won't worry if they think that we're with each other." I call back. His soft footsteps move towards the living room once again just as I've spread the movie boxes out on the ground to look through the stack.

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