Chapter One.

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-Four years ago-

"You two make the loveliest couple. Why did it take you three years to do this?" Anne asks in a soft voice from across the overly-decorated table. Robin sits beside her with his hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner as if to keep his slightly-tipsy wife in her seat.

"Mum, we're only twenty-two. How much sooner did you expect us to do this?" Harry questions back. He glances down at me, then back up at his mother with a goofy grin. He's had nearly as much champagne as she has, and I'm slowly catching up with them. My head feels light with elation and my heart feels full of love for the man sitting next to me.

Anne goes on to tell Harry about how she would have allowed him to marry me at nineteen if he had wished to do so, but only if it were me. I tune out the conversation but stay huddled closely against Harry's side while taking a quick glance around the room.

Everyone seems to be joyful as they eat, laugh, dance, and talk. The room is decorated beautifully with different arrays of white and gold, as well as strings hung along the ceiling that hold clothespins with pictures of Harry and I on them throughout the years. A picture close by our table catches my eye and I squint my eyes to look closer at it. The photo is of Harry and I on our two-years of dating anniversary. The Statue of Liberty is distant in the background and Harry's lips are pressed against my own. I remember asking a random pedestrian passing by us to snap the photo and he had to take the picture six times before Harry and I managed to stop giggling enough to actually kiss. Even after our sixth attempt, smiles are prominent on our lips, even through the kiss.

"Care to dance?" A husky voice whispers against my ear after another moment of reminiscing.

"We already had our first dance?" I whisper back, turning my head up towards his. I'm surprised to find that his lips are mere inches from mine, and it's impossible to stop myself from leaning in to gently kiss him.

"So? I want to have a second dance with my beautiful bride. Sue me." He teases back. We both crack a smile and share another kiss, then excuse ourselves from the table.

Harry's hand stays clasped in my own as we make our way through the crowd and towards the dance floor. The song changes just as we step onto the floor and the crowd of people part to allow us space.

The slow beat of the song fills the crowded room, but everyone keeps moving. I look up at Harry as his hand moves down to grasp my waist while his other hand moves up to cup my own once again. I link one of my arms around his shoulder and lean in towards him, then we slowly begin to move together.

For the first minute of the song, neither of us look away from one another. Harry's gaze is burning into my own, but I'm equally as captivated by him.

"We finally did it, Rosie." He whispers. Even though the music surrounding us is loud enough to drown out all other conversation, I can hear him clearly. I watch his lips move as he speaks and try to form some response without kissing him.

"I guess you're mine forever now." He adds. His words are simple, but make my heart ache. An unexpected tear slips down my cheek and Harry's lips purse together while watching me.

"Don't cry. This is the happiest day of our lives, baby." He shushes me softly while bringing his hand up to wipe the tear away. His touch is soft and comforts me immediately, but I still feel so full with happiness, it's almost impossible for me to keep it all inside.

"They're happy tears." I blubber back. He cracks a charming smile while looking down at me and we both laugh a bit when more tears begin to fall.

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