Chapter Sixty Five.

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(Sooo chap 63 was the last flashback until the epilogue of the story. Soz if you liked those but I can only write so many)


"Any big plans for tonight, Rosie? I can't believe it's already the end of the year." One of my newer employees questions as we stand side by side, frosting cupcakes that are supposed to be picked up in a half hour. Some woman called last minute and asked us to bake for her New Years party, which I agreed to do for some reason, despite my rule that all orders must be done days in advance.

"I'm going to a party with my husband that one of his employees is throwing. I don't really know what to expect from it." I admit back, giggling at the thought.

"Oooh, a party? Look at you finally leaving the house." Stella teases as she walks past us with a large bag of flour in her hands. She sets it on the counter while smirking over at me.

"I leave my house all the time. I come here every day, don't I?" I joke back. Stella rolls her eyes while the new girl, Ellen, laughs softly at my side. Stella is practically my business partner at this point after a year and a half of working for me.

"I think it's really cool that you come here and work with us. I never even met the owner of the coffee shop that I worked at before I got a job here." Ellen comments after a moment. She has a smudge of frosting on her cheek and I find her appearance to be adorable as she effortlessly frosts the cupcake in front of her. She's merely seventeen years old and admitted to me early on that she needs the job so that she can afford to travel to Europe after graduating.

"I like being here. I wouldn't trust anyone else to make all of the hard decisions for me." I tease in response. Stella paces over to where we're standing and grabs one of the already frosted cupcakes to take a bite.

"Hard decisions such as...?" She continues to grin jokingly at me.

"Such as if this frosting is purple enough. What do you think?" I dip my finger into the bowl and lift my hand to smear the frosting across Stella's nose. She widens her eyes and stares at me for a split second before tossing her head back while loud laughter spills from her mouth. Ellen giggles along with her and I find myself grinning in amusement.

"I think it looks good, but you're the progressional. Maybe you'll make up your mind if you look a little closer..." Stella does the same as I did a moment ago by sticking her finger into the bowl and smearing the purple contents across my cheek in a sloppy fashion. I'm doubled over in laughter along with the two girls which distracts me from the door of the kitchen opening and a new presence entering the room.

"What on earth is going on in here?" An all too familiar voice rasps out. I wipe the tears of laughter away from my eyes while grinning at Harry across the counter. Stella is standing proudly with the frosting on her nose while Ellen looks like she's a deer caught in headlights.

"Hey, baby. We were just deciding if we liked this color of frosting or not." I step around the messy countertop over to where he's at, allowing a handsome smile of amusement to grace his lips. He gets distracted by my hug long enough to not even recognize when Stella transfers some frosting onto my fingertips.

"I was worried you were-" he begins to speak, but I cut him off. Pure shock covers his features when I bring my hand up and smear frosting across his cheek with two of my fingers.

"You did not just do that." His words are low and serious, but I can see a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"Oh, but I did." I giggle back. Without considering the other people in the room, I lean up to lick a small amount of the frosting off of his cheek.

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