Chapter Fifty Nine.

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This is it... It's finally happening... The big fight that you all have been talking about since the whole divorce began...


"Rosalie, what a nice surprise. I expected you to at least wait a few days before you wanted more of what you got last night." Dev greets teasingly as I approach his desk. He stands from his chair and reaches his hand out to rub my arm, which could easily look like a friendly gesture to anyone else watching. I appreciate him being discrete while we're at Harry's office.

"Yeah, let's just go do it on the break-room couch. I'm sure no one would care." I roll my eyes back at him, but don't really mean the sarcastic gesture.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes back at me, then continues to smirk. I ignore the remark and instead move to graciously pull one of the coffees out of the carrier to pass off to him.

"I brought you breakfast. It didn't look like you had eaten before you left this morning." I speak in a low voice and after setting his coffee down, reach into the bag to grab his breakfast sandwich I brought for him. I had to ask Harry if he wanted something too so that it didn't look too suspicious if I brought just Dev something.

If he really wants to try out this dating thing, I think I could play the part of a good girlfriend. I'm already getting used to the sweet gestures like surprising each other at work.

Although, I'm sure a lot of girls don't have to worry about visiting their boyfriend at work and avoiding their ex-husband...

"No, I didn't have time. It was either breakfast or a shower and the shower wasn't really an option after I woke up with dry sweat all over me." He sits back in his chair and I giggle like a teenager from his remark.

"My sweat and yours." He adds, followed by a wink. I lean agains the glass desk and cross my arms over my chest while he bites into his sandwich. A groan of satisfaction leaves his lips and I open my mouth to make some dirty remark, but we're both interrupted from conversation when Harry's office door is abruptly flung open.

"What the-" Dev stands from his chair and my confusion immediately turns to concern when I see anger blazing in Harry's eyes.

"You two in my office. Now." Harry orders in a chillingly low voice. I gulp nervously, but neither Dev or I question it as we step into Harry's office and wait silently as he shuts the door behind us.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I ask calmly while reaching out to touch his arm. He pushes me away immediately and Dev's hand grabs my waist to pull me into his side.

"Get your hands off of my wife, you bastard." Harry spits out hatefully and my eyes widen even further.

"As far as I'm concerned, she's not your wife anymore. And I'm going to protect her as much as I need to when you're manhandling her like that." Dev snaps back at him.

"Manhandling? Are you joking?" Harry rolls his eyes and stops pacing long enough to stand in front of us.

"What is wrong with you two? Sneaking around behind my back and thinking I wouldn't find out? I trusted you as my employee, Dev. I was going to take you out and buy you lunch today and compliment you on the good work you've been doing. I guess I didn't realize your motivation was trying to impress me so that I wouldn't suspect you were sleeping with my wife." Harry crosses his arms over his chest and I feel like I may faint just watching the scene play out in front of me.

"That's absolutely wrong. I was putting forth all of that effort because I don't believe in just scraping by in a job. I haven't been working my ass off for the past few months to impress you, or Rosie." Dev finally removes his hand from my hip and I step backwards to get away from the two men who look like they may pounce on each other at any second. They take a step towards each other and I mentally prepare myself for if I have to jump between some punches, or something.

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