Chapter Thirty Nine.

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- Eight Years Ago -

"I don't think I've ever been so exhausted in my entire life." Rosie whines softly into my shoulder as the car door slams shut behind her. My fathers driver, Steven, runs around to the front of the car and slides into the driver's seat. The car starts and seconds later we're pulling away from the campus of NYU with multiple watchful eyes on our vehicle.

"Long day?" I ask back. She nods her head, then moves her gaze up to look at me.

"How was your day? I missed you." She leans up with puckered lips and we kiss for a split second before settling back into our seats again.

"My day was... Hectic, to put it lightly. I missed you, too, by the way." I lean in to kiss her temple as a comforting gesture as she lifts her legs to place them over the tops of my thighs. My hand immediately moves down to hold her closer against me by cupping her thigh while my other arm moves around her shoulders.

"Why was it hectic?" She wonders in a sweet and concerned voice.

"It was just busy. Do you have to go home tonight? I can't express in words how wonderful it would be if you came home with me." I rub my hand up her thigh slowly, not trying to start anything, but simply trying to touch her as much as I can before she inevitably rejects me offer to come over for the evening.

"I actually have something to tell you that will make your day a little bit better." Her irresistible lips turn up into a sweet smirk, making my pissy mood lessen immediately.

"What is it?"

"Well, this morning when I got home from your place, my parents were packing suitcases. I guess they left today for the rest of the week to fly out to see Eli. He had to get his wisdom teeth out and my mom insisted that they needed to be there for him, even though his girlfriend is there." She traces her finger lightly up my arm while continuing to smirk.

"So thanks to Eli's teeth, I get to come over as much as you want this week until Sunday night." She leans up with puckered lips once again and I immediately feel like a new man from her words. My day was shit until now.

"Good god, Rosie. I can't even tell you how happy that makes me. We need to go to your house and pack all of your clothes because you're sleeping over until your parents get back."

"Okay." She giggles excitedly and nuzzles her face into my shoulder while I order off Steven what the new plan is. Rosie seems giddy just thinking about spending the week at my apartment with me, and I feel the same way. She's only spends probably one or two nights a week with me-- which is already pushing the limit with her parents. They still don't know that I'm her boyfriend so all of her lies about her whereabouts when she's with me have been improving more and more with each evening spent together.

Once we arrive at Rosie's house, Steven stops the car in front and we both suspiciously creep around the driveway in search of any sign that someone's home. The house is dark and silent which allows Rosie and I to assume that her other siblings are also taking advantage of her parents being out of town.

"I've never been inside of your house, baby. This will be weird." I comment thoughtfully as Rosie unlocks the front door with her key. She struggles to do it with one hand, but doesn't dare discontinue our hand holding.

"Finally get to see my girl's home life." I add. She leans back in to me playfully while shaking her head.

"I'm not your girl. I'm a girl, and I'm your girlfriend, but I don't belong to you." She whispers back to me, confident with her answer. I roll my eyes jokingly and don't respond. I love to tease her about being my girl because I know she hates it when I call her my girl.

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