Chapter Sixty.

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Long chapter... No flashback... I regret adding those into the story a little more every time I start a chapter tbh


"Are you sure you want to do this? You can still back out. We haven't left the city yet." Rosie stares up at me curiously as she passes off her duffle bag that weighs twice as much as mine.

"Why would I back out? I've been looking forward to this all damn week." I stuff her bag into the trunk beside mine, then close to door. Her shiny Audi sits parked in front of us with a full tank of gas and our belongings for the weekend loaded into the back.

"I know. I have been too." She crosses her arms over her chest and sways silently for a moment while chewing her lip.

"This is all kind of new for us still. I'm worried we're committing to a weekend of being together when we're not really sure about..."

"What are we not sure about? We've gone out to dinner three times this week and thoroughly discussed this. I'm very positive that I would like to spend the weekend with you." I step towards her and grab her hands to uncross her arms over her chest. She slowly chews the gum in her mouth and stares up at me with with a sweet innocent expression.

"No fighting? Just laughing, and kissing, and snuggling..."

"All of the above, sweetheart. And maybe more. Can you stop worrying? We're going to have so much fun." I pull her body in towards mine and she cracks a sweet smile.

"Can we get food on the way there? I haven't had fast food in so long." She leans up to peck a gentle kiss against my jaw while I copy her smile.

"That feels nice. If you want to keep doing that then I'll find you the greasiest cheeseburger in all of New York." My hands hold her hips so that she stays standing close to me while she continues to slowly move her lips down my neck.

"How about some McNuggets and a soda? I just want to get to the house and start our weekend."

"That seems reasonable. Will you share some with me?" I turn my head down to face her and she kisses the tip of my nose before shaking her head.

"You can get your own. Just because I'm going out of town with you doesn't mean I'm obligated to share my nuggets with you."

"Will you share your other nuggets with me later then?" I move my hands down to cup her ass and she giggles sweetly while blushing. Her face nuzzles into my neck, then the leans back to look at me a few seconds later.

"Yeah, you can have those nuggets. Let's get going, though. We're already off schedule." Her hands push my chest away from her body and her fingers lace between my own instead. I walk her around the car and open her door for her, followed by a sweet grin exchanged between the both of us.

"We need to stop by the store when we get to town and get some stuff to cook dinner. I figured we could have our traditional date night at the restaurant tomorrow night when we're both better rested and have more time to prepare for it. But tonight I was thinking we could maybe just barbecue something and I could make some homemade mashed potatoes or something-"

"Baby, it's a lot less fun if you plan every second of it. Let's just get some food and worry about our plans when we get there." I reach across the console to lace my fingers between hers and Rosie rolls her eyes.

"We at least need to buy some snacks. I don't think there's any food at the house." She scratches her free hand lightly up my arm, then tugs playfully at my sleeve.

"I can run to the store without you when we get there. You can get settled in and I'll grab some food then we can have a nice lazy night." She adds after a moment. I shake my head back and lean over the seats to eye her seriously.

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