Chapter Fifteen.

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The remainder of the week seems to pass by in a slow blur of work, eating, and sleeping. Eli and Serena left Wednesday after claiming being out of work this long was hard on both of them, then Andy left this morning after my mother was discharged from the hospital. Harry's been in and out of the house all week due to dates and just spending time with random hookups that I don't care to know about.

Monday night after our argument was somewhat forgotten about, he came home for dinner then left later that evening, claiming he was going to have a drink with a friend. He didn't return home until the next evening after work and I've refused to visit him at his office for breakfast any day since the week began.

"Rosie, you really don't have to stay here, sweetie. I'm fine." My mother assures from her spot in her bed. The floral comforter is pulled up to her chin and her skin is pale, but not much of a concern. The cancer has always left her frail and weak looking.

"I want to be here with you, mom." I shake my head back. She leans up to slurp some broth from the soup in her bowl, then lays back down. I'm mostly here because I'm concerned about my mother and want to spend time with her, but a little part of me is also avoiding Harry.

He didn't let me know if he was going to be home or not tonight and when I asked him to come bring my mother home from the hospital with me to support the both of us, he politely declined while using work as a typical excuse.

"How are things at home?" She asks as if reading my mind.

"Good. I just plucked two new tomatoes off of my plant and used them in-"

"Rosie, darling, I meant the interesting parts of your life. I want to know about your marriage instead of your tomato plant." She cuts me off and eyes me playfully, which slightly surprises me. My mothers always been best at knowing when I didn't want to discuss something.

"Things are fine, mom. Harry's busy with work as usual and I'm baking more cupcakes in a day than one person should ever have to in their entire life." I joke back.

She sits up in the bed and reaches for her knitting items beside her while I take a bite of my homemade chicken noodle soup.

The tradition started months ago that I made her her own recipe of soup each time she returned home from the hospital. It's been a joke for a while now that when she's starting to feel better she tells me to start defrosting the chicken and stocking up on broth.

"That's good." She nods once, then looks down again.

"Do you ever consider that maybe you both work too much? When do you find time for each other between your busy schedules?" She presses on after a moment of silence. I set my empty bowl of soup down and reach for my bottle of water while hesitating to answer.

"We're not newlyweds anymore. Having dinner together at home a few nights a week is good enough for us. It makes me happy when he's busy because I know that makes him happy, so as long as I get to see him often enough to know he's alive and healthy, it's good enough for me." I shrug back. My mother looks down at the half-knitted fabric on her lap with pursed lips as if she doesn't know how to respond.

"Four years doesn't make you two experts at marriage, and you don't have to fake it either. Your father and I were married for thirty-four years and before we divorced I still craved things like lazy days on the couch with him or just a good ol' roll in the hay every now and then." She smirks up at me and I groan in disgust.

"Mom, please."

"Now listen here, Rosie. I've got a few years on you and I know I may be bald and lame, but I know what I'm talking about. Harry loves your very much and I know you love him too. Sometimes couples just get a little lost, but it's nothing to be ashamed of." She sets her knitting supplies down and reaches over to take my hand in hers.

More Than You Know (h.s)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant