53》 19 Years Later

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I strolled down Platform 9 3/4 as my 11 year old son, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, excitedly ran as far as he reasonably could, pushing his way through the crowd of families, Draco not far behind carrying his trunks and trying to keep up with his son.

Following them were my beautiful 7 year old twin girls, Rosé Narcissa and Jubilee Anne Malfoy. I watched as they playfully tried to step on each other's feet, giggling and squealing.

I sighed. "You two should stop before either of you get hurt. And when that happens, I don't want you to come crying to me."

"We're just playing- ow! Rosé, that hurt!" Jubilee whined.

Sighing once more, I moved in between them grabbing a hand from each twin and hurrying over to where Scorpius and Draco were. The boy stopped running as soon as he saw a familiar face.

"Albus!" He yelled, making his way over to Harry and Ginny's oldest son. The brown haired boy looked excited to see his friend.

"Scorpius!" He also yelled. The two boys performed a little handshake and proceeded to engage in their own conversation.

Draco placed the trunks down, catching his breathe. I smiled at the sight. It seems Draco was getting quite old for all the running. He turned and met my gaze.

"Look at them." I cooed, watching the two boys getting along well. "Who knew a Malfoy and a Potter could ever." Draco smiled and put a hand on my shoulder. I then felt a gentle tug on the sleeve of my coat, followed by the word 'mommy'.

"Yes dear." I hummed, looking down at Rosé, catching the stare of her grey eyes.

"Where's big brother going?" She asked.

"He's going to Hogwarts, a school for wizards and witches like us." Draco informed her, picking her up and hoisting her up in his arms.

The Hogwarts Express sounded, signaling the students to aboard the red train. Scorpius ran back to us, grabbing his trunk happily. He smiled at us and turned to run to the train, but Draco's voice stopped him.

"No hug or goodbye?"

"Sorry father, I'm just really excited." He answered, spinning back around. He dropped his trunks and gave each of us a tight hug.

"You have everything you need, correct?" I said, not noticing the mother in me beginning to show. "Robes, wands, books," I gave him a stern look as I said the next thing, "underwear?"

"Shhhh!" Scorpius put a finger to his lips, face turning pink. "Yes mother. I have everything, I promise." He picked his trunks back up.

"Don't forget to write to us every week. Were so proud of you!" I called out, my son already halfway on the train. I smiled as I was truly proud of Scorpius, but there was also a hint of sadness. Draco noticed and spoke.

"It's ok, love. He'll be back before you know it." He reassured me.

We watched as our son happily took a seat next to Albus and a few other of his friends. He waved through the window just as the train began to move. The rest of us waved back as the twins screamed goodbye to their brother, hoping he would hear. Soon, the train and Scorpius were out of sight.

"Mommy, when will we be able to go to Hogwarts?" Jubilee asked, curious.

"Yeah, I wanna go too." Rosé agreed.

"And you will. Soon. Very soon."

I casually turned my head to the side, suddenly locking eyes with my three best friends. I grinned, them returning the gesture.

It was crazy how much time had past. It felt like just yesterday the Dark Lord was defeated. I still remember when I had gotten my Hogwarts letter and my dad talked to me about it. It's been so long. I've gone through so much in my life, made so many memories. And now, it's my children's turn to make memories.

Oh, how I missed my Hogwarts days. But, time doesn't like to wait. It's just the story of our lives.

The End

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