20》 O.W.L.'s and Fireworks

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It was quiet in the Great Hall and the only sound you could hear was the sound of quills scratching on parchment. Us 5th years were taking our O.W.L.'s for Theory of Charms. Hermione was so invested, scribbling things down. Ron was falling asleep. Harry...I don't know. He was sitting behind me so I couldn't see. As for me, I was writing very slowly, my mind not completely focused on the exam.

Suddenly, the was a loud sound coming from the other side of the double doors. Everyone heard it. It happened again. And one more time, only louder. Umbridge stepped away from the front, and walked towards the big doors. She opened them and a spark flew in front of her face, then moved into the room. It exploded into a firework.

Umbridge looked to her left, seeing something. All of a sudden, the Weasley twins flew in the room, making the exam papers fully in the air. They threw fireworks as everyone looked in amazement.

I turned my head towards Draco's direction and saw a spark in front of Goyle's face, who slapped it in Crabbe's direction. The spark hit Crabbe's butt, as he tried to run away. Another spark turned towards Draco, who was against the wall. But he dodged it and when the spark hit the wall, it only left the form of Draco's scared face. I let out a laugh.

The twins threw another firework that took the form of a dragon. It chased Umbridge out of the room. When it exploded, all of Umbridge's rules fell off the wall. The twins flew outside and everyone followed them.

We all cheered. They threw one last firework that made a 'W' before flying off. Hermione looked over her shoulder and her face fell. She tapped me to get her attention, and I looked in the direction she was looking at. There, I saw Harry on the floor. 'Mione and I went over to him. "Sirius." he said.


"Harry, are you sure?" I asked as we ran up the stairs.

"I saw it." he answered. "It's just like with Mr. Weasley. It's the same door I've been dreaming about for months and I couldn't remember where I've seen it before. Sirius said there was something that Voldemort wanted in the Department of Mysteries."

"Harry what if Voldemort meant for you to see this?" Hermione asked. "Am I supposed to just let Sirius die? He's the only family I have left." Hermione, Ron, and I shared a look. "What do we do?" asked Ron.


Thanks for reading. Love you!
And sorry for another really short chapter.
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