9》 Love Hurts Pt. 1 After Breakfast

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After Breakfast

It's almost December! Meaning Christmas and snow is on its way!

So Harry has started a Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It's been quite successful. It's called Dumbledore's Army or the DA. Lately we've been learning to cast the Stunning spell.

As for Malfoy and I,...I don't really know. After I gave him that hug and kiss on the cheek, I said a last thanks and scurried off to the Common Room. And we're still not on first name terms. Although, I've also started going back to my tutoring sessions with him. He promised not to be so harsh like last time. Which is good. It kinda hurt being called worthless. Fortunately, he and I aren't insulting each other anymore. Guess you could say we're...acquaintances.

| Magical Time Skip *whoosh* |

I ran from the Room of Requirement all the way to the girls' dorm. Once there, I threw myself on the bed, letting out all the tears I've been holding. What did I do to deserve this? Did I say something I shouldn't have? Was I being too much? *sigh* Screw it. What's done is done.

A few minutes later, Hermione and Ginny came in the room. "What happened?" Ginny asked, concern in her voice. I sat up in my bed, still sobbing. "I-it's nothing. Really." The two girls looked at each other, totally unconvinced. "If it's nothing, why are you crying?" Hermione asked.

"I just don't wanna talk about it."

"The only way to get over it is if you talk to someone about it." answered Hermione. They're not helping. I already told them I don't want to talk about it. I don't care if it'll help me or not, I just want to be alone. "What's done is done and it can't be undone."

Ginny huffed. "We're not leaving until you tell us what happened."

"Fine." I say stubbornly. "It all started when..."

| Present Time |

I entered the Great Hall and sat down in my usual seat, across from Hermione and next to Harry and George. "Hey guys. Anything new?" I asked as I served myself some eggs, bacon, and sausage. "Nothing much, just the usual." both twins answered at the same time. I nodded my head in understandment.

"Y/n...could I talk to you for a moment after breakfast?" Harry asked with a serious face. "Um, sure." I answered. Why is Harry all serious? Is he in a bad mood today? No, I shouldn't worry about it. Whatever he wants to talk to me about, it's probably nothing so important.

I stuffed my food into my mouth, eager to know what it was Harry wanted to talk about. When the plates vanished, he led me to an empty hallway. The serious face he had, disappeared and was replaced by a nervous one. "Harry is everything alright?"

"I don't know how to say this..." his voice trailed off. "You can tell me anything. It's alright." I assured him. But deep down, my gut was telling me this wasn't gonna end well. "Y/n...I'm sorry, but, I-I'm...I'm wavering."

"What?" I asked stupidly even though I knew what he meant. "I'm wavering over another girl and I know I shouldn't. I know it's wrong." Harry told me, his voice shaking a bit. "It's been going on for a while and I want to stop it, but I can't. My feelings are...it's like..." he stuttered trying to find the right words. The sad part was I knew what he wanted to say. So I said it for him. "It's as if your feelings belong to the girl you're wavering over, whoever she is. That's why it won't stop." Harry nodded guilty.

After a second silence, I spoke again. "Who is she anyway. The girl you're wavering over."

"Cho Chang..."

I smiled slightly. "Cho's a lucky girl. And Harry, I have a feeling you wavering over her won't stop anytime soon. I think we should-" Harry cut me off. "Don't say it."

"It's the best choice we have. It's what's best for me, what's best for you, and it's what's best for Cho." I leaned in and kissed Harry's cheek. "I hope to still be friends. Bye Harry." And with that, I walked off to who knows where.


Sorry for the short chapter. I wanna be able to stretch the storyline so because of that, my chapters are going to be a bit shorter than usual. Thanks guys! Love you all! ❤💚💙💛

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