10》Love Hurts Pt. 2 Unbothered

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Lately, I've been quite unbothered by the situation with Harry. I ignored it. It's finally December 1st, and what a coincidence it is that it's also the first snow of the season. I love snow and there's no way I could miss the chance of playing in it.

"C'mon Y/n, it's freezing out here. Let's go!" Ginny said, teeth chattering and body shivering. "You go ahead, Gin. I'll catch up later." I said.

"Whatever. I'm going. Cold and hungry, there's no way I could miss dinner." she grumbled and walked away. I continued playing in the snow. There was a figure dressed in black a distance away from me that I could see in the corner of my eye, but I decided to think it was no one in particular. As I kept spinning and smiling, I didn't notice the patch of ice on the ground and slipped on it.

Falling on my butt, i groaned from the pain. That really hurt. But in stead of getting back up, i lay flat on my back and start giggling at how stupid i am for slipping. In the middle of laughing, someone came up to me. I stop giggling and look up to see who it is. I lock eyes with a pair of blue-gray ones. He chuckled and gave his famous Malfoy smirk. "You should really be careful when playing in the snow. You're clumsy you know that?" Malfoy sticks his hand out to help me up, but I just stare at it. "If you don't take my hand, you can get up yourself." I snap out of it and grab his hand. He pulls me up and I brush off the snow. I noticed how Malfoy was wearing all black. Was he looking at me the whole time? "Thanks Malfoy."

"Yeah. You know, you should get a better cloak too. The one you're wearing doesn't seem to do you any good." he said as we walked back to the castle. I looked at my soaking clothes that left a tail of water on the stone floor. I didn't say anything. Malfoy suddenly stopped, making me stop as well. He took off his cloak and handed it to me.

"Here. Take it. It'll keep you warm." I was a little surprised by that. I attempted to unbutton my cloak, but just couldn't. Malfoy watched as I fumbled with the button. He then took my hands away and unclipped the button himself. As he did that, i stared at him. His blue-gray eyes glimmered so beautifully. I was so into the staring, I didn't notice when he finished and stared into my own eyes.

"Are you gonna keep staring at my eyes just like you did with my hand?" he asked, his smirk plastered on his face. I looked away, embarrassed. "No."

I take off my cloak and give it to Malfoy, who took it and set it over his shoulder. I was about to take hold of his cloak, but he put it over me. He buttoned it and looked at me before clearing his throat and saying, "C'mon. We still have fifteen minutes left of dinnertime." I nodded and headed to the Great Hall.

Today, I sat next to Ginny and Hermione. Five minutes after I say down, Fred spoke to me. "Hey Y/n. Mind telling me why Draco Malfoy is staring at the back of your head?"

"What?" I asked, confused. I turned my head around, and Malfoy made eye contact with ne for one second before looking in a few different directions, then scratching the back of his neck. I turned back around and shrug my shoulders at Fred.


Dinner finished, and I sped walked to Malfoy before he got out of my sight. "Malfoy. Here's your cloak-" He stopped me from taking it off. "Keep it. I have another one in my dorm. See ya." With that, he walked off. I was a bit taken aback by his kind actions today. But who's complaining? I'm unbothered by it anyway.


Thank you for reading my story guys. Love you! Baii! ❤💚💙💛

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