45》 Another Day, Another Death

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I waited a few minutes before quietly making my way to see what was going on. I hid behind a wall. From where I was, I could see Ron running up a flight of stairs. "Expelliarmus!" He directed the spell to Bellatrix. Harry shot a stunning spell to Lucius. Draco and Narcissa, and Harry and Ron shot spells at each other.

"Stop!" Said Bellatrix, who was holding Hermione with a knife to her neck. "Drop your wands." She commanded the boys. When they didn't obey, she repeated. "I said drop 'em!"

This time, Harry and Ron obliged and set their wands on the floor.

"Pick them up, Draco. Now."

He did as told.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. It's Harry Potter. He's all bright, shiny, and new again. Just in time for the Dark Lord. Call him." Bellatrix smiled.

Lucius walked up and rolled up his sleeve, ready to call Voldemort, when suddenly, there was a squeaking noise coming from the ceiling. Everyone looked up, including me, and saw Dobby unscrewing the chandelier. It dropped and Bellatrix released Hermione, wanting to get out of the way from getting hurt.

I took my chance and sprinted to the the other side of the room, where Ron and the others were. I stopped abruptly when I reached them.

I hadn't noticed when Harry grabbed our wands from Draco.

"Stupid elf. You could've killed me!" Bellatrix shrieked.

"Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure." The elf corrected.

Narcissa was about to cast a spell, but with a snap of his fingers, Dobby disarmed her. Bellatrix gasped and said, "How dare you steal a witch's wand! How dare you defy your masters!"

"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf. And Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends."

Right as Bellatrix threw two knives our way, we each held onto Dobby, and he apparated us elsewhere.

As we apparated, I felt something sharp hit my leg. But I couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was. All I know was that it hurt and it stung.

We landed on ground. I looked around and found that the ground was made of sand, and that we were at a beach. Then, I moved my gaze to where my leg stung and became aware that it was one of Bellatrix's knives. Now that I was aware of what had stabbed me, the pain increased. I let out a groan.

"Y/n. Are you alright?" Harry asked me, limping over to me. "We're safe. We're all safe." He added. Harry stopped and kneeled by my leg.

"I'm fine. It's-it's just a little cut." I excused. Harry didn't buy it for one minute, as blood stained a big part of my jeans.

"You're not ok. I'll get yo-"

"Harry Potter." Dobby cut him short.

Harry and I both looked over at Dobby. He was clenching his body, and i noticed blood on him. I came to a realization. Dobby got stabbed with the second knife.


Harry made his way to Dobby, who dropped in Harry's arms. "Hold on. Hold on. Ok? We'll fix you. We'll fix both you and Y/n.

"Hermione, do you have something in your bag? Hermione?"

Hermione sadly shook her head.

"C'mon. Help me." Harry desperately said.

"Such a beautiful place," Dobby said softly. "To be with friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friends. Harry Potter..."

As Dobby's life faded away, my eyes watered with my tears. I pulled the knife out of my leg and limped my way to Harry and Dobby. Luna, who had been here longer than us, kneel next to Harry right before I reached them.

"We should close his eyes." She suggested. "Don't you think?"Harry nodded and Luna closed Dobby's eyelids. "There. Now he could be sleeping."

"I want to bury him. Properly. Without magic." Harry announced. I nodded and put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him in some sort of way.

We did exactly what Harry wanted. We buried Dobby without using any magic whatsoever.

After, we went inside Bill and Fleur's cottage, Fleur tended to my wound. And when she finished, I sat outside thinking of the past events.

It was hard to believe that it was still the same day. So many things happened, and thinking back, it felt like it's been more than just a day. Right before we had apparated, I had taken a quick glance at Draco and his worried face. I really hope he'll be ok. As much as I wanted to stay with him, I knew I had to continue to help Harry. So I made that choice. I made the choice to be on the good side. If only Draco was on the same side...


That's the end of part 1 of the Deathly Hallows! There's only part 2 left!
I give thanks to those who have read this far into my story. Comment, share, vote. I love every one of you!❤💚💙💛

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