28》 A New Couple

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It was the day of the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Quidditch match. Everyone was ecstatic.

Harry and I have made up. But we've been on and off in our friendship this year. So Godric knows how long it's going to be until Harry and I argue again.

Anyways, as I was saying, everyone was totally excited about the match. Everyone except for a certain ginger. Poor Ron looked so nervous as he walked down the Great Hall to take a seat with us. Some people- like Seamus- wished him luck, while others (mostly the Slytherins) laughed at him, which didn't help his nervous state. I sent deathly glares to the Slytherins who teased him.

Ron sat down next to me and spoke. "So how was it?" Hermione looked up. "How was what?"

"The dinner party." Ron answered. "Pretty boring actually. But I think Harry enjoyed dessert." No one said anything. Hermione changed the subject a little. "Slughorn's having a Christmas party. And we're meant to bring someone."

"I expect you'll be bringing McLaggen. He's in the Slug Club, isn't he?" Ron asked. Hermione got annoyed. "Actually, I was going to ask you."

"Really?" Ron said, surprised. Hermione looked at me. I nodded. "Either way, Y/n's going with McLaggen." Hermione continued. Both boys looked at me wide-eyed. "What?!"

"Draco was going to be busy the night of the party. So I asked McLaggen instead." I explained.

| Flashback |

I spotted Draco walking down a flight of stairs. Now was my time to ask him. "Draco!" I called out to him. He locked eyes with me and gave me a small smile. But as I got closer, Draco looked like he hadn't slept for weeks. He had bags under his eyes, his hair was kinda messy, and his skin was paler than usual. "What's wrong, Draco? You look dreadful."

He kissed my cheek. "It's nothing. Really. Now what was it you wanted to say?"

"Um, Professor Slughorn is hosting a Christmas party. Will you go with me?" I asked, hopeful. Draco sighed. That wasn't anything good. A sigh is normally always negative. "I would love to, but, I'm really behind on homework. I'm sorry love. I can't." My face fell. "I understand. It's ok."


Of course. Me and my klutzy self. I always have to bump into people. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking-" I looked up to see Cormac McLaggen. "It's all good. I should apologize." He smirked a little. "Though, now that we're here, I wanted to know if you would go to Slughorn's party with me?"

"Um...I...sure. I guess." I muttered that last part. "Brilliant! I'll see you there. Can't wait." He winked and walked away as I gave a forced, fake smile.

| End Flashback |

Before anyone could say anything, a girl with light brown, curly hair came up to Ron. I believe her name was Lavender Brown. "Good luck today, Ron. I know you'll do brilliant." She then walked off. I stole a glance at Hermione who looked slightly uncomfortable.

"I'm resigning. After today's match, McLaggen could have my spot."

"Have it your way. Juice." Harry said, sliding a goblet of pumpkin juice towards Ron. "Hello everyone." Luna piped up. I got startled at what Luna was wearing: a giant lion head. It looked...odd. Very odd. "You look dreadful, Ron. Is that why you put something in his cup?" The Ravenclaw asked Harry. "Is it a tonic?" Harry put the vial of Liquid Luck back in his pocket.

"Liquid Luck." I said. "Don't drink it, Ron!" Hermione demanded. Ron drank it anyway. "You could be expelled for that." the brunette told Harry. He answered with, "I don't know what you're talking about. Ron suddenly had a broad smile. Looks like that potions' working. "Let's go, Harry. We got a game to win." Ron said.


"WEASLEY! WEASLEY! WEASLEY!" The Gryffindor Common Room was filled with cheers as we had won the game. Banners were hung up and confetti was being thrown in the air. Ron were a triumphant grin.

"You shouldn't have done that." Hermione told Harry. "I know. I s'pose I could've just used a Confundus charm." Harry accused Hermione on the time when she confunded McLaggen's broom during tryouts. "That was different." she defended. "That was tryouts. This was an actual game."

As she spoke, Harry pulled out the vial from his shirt pocket. It was full. "You didn't put it in." I said. "Ron only thought you did." We then watched as Lavender pulled Ron into a kiss. Harry and I smiled at each other seeing as Ron has now seemed to have gotten a girlfriend. As Harry put an arm around my shoulder, I remembered about Hermione.

I found her walking away from the crowd. Harry saw her too, and we shared a worried glance. "Let's go talk to her." I said. "You go. I'm not good with this type of stuff." Harry insisted. I chuckled. "Very true." I left to find my friend.

I found her sitting on a flight of stairs. Birds flew over her head as she quietly sobbed. I stood next to her. "Charms spell. Just practicing." she lied. I played along. "Well it's really good." I took a seat on the stairs as well.

"How does it feel, Y/n, when see Draco flirt with other girls?"

It's true. Draco has flirted with many other girls, not giving a care in the world if I see. And it hurts. It shatters my heart. But the only reason I don't do anything about it is because I truly love him and I can't let him go, and I believe he loves me too.

"I know." Hermione continued. "I see the way you look at him when he does it. You're my best friend." The sound of faint laughter was coming closer and closer until Ron and Lavender came in. "Oops." said Lavender. "I think this room's taken." She left as Ron said, "Sweet birds." Hermione stood up. "Oppugno." The birds flew straight at Ron who ran away from them. Instead of hitting the ginger, the birds hit the wall. Ronald left. Hermione burst into tears and sat back down. I put an arm around her to comfort her as much as I could.

"It feels like this." I said, referring to the conversation about Draco. I let my best friend cry on my shoulder. Poor Hermione. When I see Ronald Weasley, I'm going to kill him. I swear it.


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