6》 Lives' Upsetting Moments

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<2 weeks later>

It was the end of Potions, and I was just about to head out the door when Snape called me. I mentally slapped my forehead. This was not gonna be good. I know it. Walking up to him, I ask, "Yes Professor? What is it?"

"Miss Jeon, you're failing poorly in my class. Do you know why?"

I looked down at my feet. I've never been the best at Potions. If anything, it's my worst subject. I'm so bad at it that if my life depended on Potions, I'd end up dying. I am not exaggerating. "Well you see, the thing is, Professor, I've never really been great at Potions. And I apologize for that." I answered a bit shyly.

"I've assigned you a tutor. Starting tomorrow and on, on your free period you will be tutored. I have already spoke to him about it." I got a little confused. "I'm sorry...him?"

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy will be your new tutor. Now, hurry to your next class." I nodded and walked out. But inside I was screaming. WHAT?! MALFOY'S MY TUTOR?! WHY? WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY?! UGH! Just my day.

During my free period, I decided to go to the Owlry to send Malfoy a letter about the tutoring.

Hey Malfoy,

Snape told me about tutoring. When and where should we start it? Send me a letter back as quickly as possible.

Thanks(I guess),

I tie the letter to my owl O/n[owls name] and send her off.


It was midnight and I couldn't fall asleep. My eyes were wide open but I could tell I was tired. Right when I was actually about to doze off, there was a noise coming from the window. I averted my tired eyes to the window and saw O/n behind it. Looks like Malfoy answered back. I open the window and untied the piece of parchment from O/n's leg, who flew off afterward. I sit back on my bed, take hold of my wand, and whisper "Lumos". The letter read,


Tutoring will start tomorrow in the Potions room. Snape doesn't have a class then. And, look, I know you don't want to do this just as much as I don't.



After Transfiguration, I went to the Potions room for the first day of tutoring. Unluckily, the Transfiguration room is quite far from the dungeons and I ended up being 10 minutes late. When I got there, Malfoy was already there. He saw me and almost immediately got annoyed. "Where have you been? I've been waiting for quite a while."

"Sorry. It's not my fault my 4th class is far from the dungeons."

"Whatever. Let's get this over with. I want you to make an Anti-paralysis potion." Malfoy told me. But I had no clue as to what he was taking about. "Anti- what?" I ask, totally confused. I'm assuming we learned it in class because Malfoy slapped his forehead as if I was the most stupidest person in the world. "An Anti-paralysis potion. Now get the ingredients."

<35 mins. later>
For the past 35 minutes, Malfoy has just sat down, observing what I do. The last instruction I've done so far is to stir in Moondew and wait for the cloud of steam to dissipate. But I've waited and it still hasn't disappeared. Malfoy checked the substance and pinched the bridge of his nose. "When you stirred the unicorn horn, which way did you stir it?"

"Um counter-clockwise?" My answer came out more like a question.

"You idiotic git. It clearly says to stir clockwise. Gosh, you're so worthless; you can't do anything right!" he yelled at me. Ouch. That hurt. It's horrible to be called worthless.

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