39》 Not Again

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Ron and I arrived at a decent-looking house. "What is this place?" The ginger-haired asked.

"This house belongs to some rich, close friends of my Dad. I had met them the summer of third year. They usually use this place for vacationing only, so I don't believe they'd be here." I answered whole searching for the hidden key.

"How do you suppose we're going to get inside?"

"We could use the unlocking charm, " I found the stone I was looking for and pulled it up out of the dirt. Along with it was a small clear container with the spare key in it. "Or we could just use the key." After unlocking the door, the two of us entered the house. I guided Ron up to the room we'd be staying in. "By the way, I forgot to ask, how are you feeling?"

"Loads better. That locket's real powerful. I want to go back, but it's best if I have some time away from the others, know what I mean?" I nodded in understanding.

*** | 3 weeks later |

Three weeks have passed like a blur and I've been relieved. I haven't had a nightmare in quite a while now.

Ron and I lay down on our beds, remaining quiet, breaking the silence soon. "Ron, I don't get it."

"Don't get what?"

"I don't get how you can't see it."

"I'm not understanding, Y/n. What are you talking about?" Ron inquired. I sighed.

"You and Hermione. It's so obviously obvious that you two have a thing for each other. What you're seeing between her and Harry is nothing. Hermione likes you, and Harry likes Ginny." I explained.

"I guess youre right. I do regret everything I did, three weeks ago. But, Hermione really has a crush on me?" He turned to me with a stupid yet hopeful smile across his face. I laughed at his childish action and nodded my head." He sighed dreamily before saying, "Well, it's getting late. Goodnight, Y/n."

"Night, Ron." I closed my eyes and drifted off to deep slumber.

I was running around Hogwarts shooting spells to any enemies that tried to hurt me. It was the war and Hogwarts was total chaos. Different colored sparks flew everywhere, witches and wizards ran up and down the halls, different parts of the school crumpled down, and dead bodies- from both good and bad sides- lay on the cold stone floor.

As I turned a corner, I spotted Draco and a Death Eater battling each other. Draco swiftly disarmed the Death Eater  and stunned him. He put his raised arm down and took a breath. Though, behind him was yet another Death Eater.

I wanted to yell out at him, but no words were capable of leaving my mouth. By the time I realized I couldn't speak, Draco was hit. He fell to the floor, motionless.

I rushed over to him and held his lifeless body in my embrace, tears of sadness and anger falling from eyes and onto Draco's pale face. I look up at the ceiling and screamed,


Damn. Another nightmare. Why is this happening to me?

"Y/n? Are you alright? 'Nother dream?" Ron asked groggily, half-asleep.

"Huh? Yeah, yeah."

"Wanna talk about it?" I shook my head and played back down. I've gotta figure out a way to stop those bad dreams. There's gotta be way.


I honestly don't know what it's like to have those type of dreams cuz you know, I'm so lonely...*awkward silence*
Anyway, um.........comment......share.......vote......k bye!❤💚💙💛

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