7》 Birthday Gift

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"Oh my Godric! My birthday is in 2 weeks! I can't wait!" I squealed excitedly. "We know Y/n. You've been bugging us about it all week." Hermione said. "Sorry. I can't help it. I'm just excited."

"Trust me, we're almost as excited as you are. Almost." Harry said, hugging me tight. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I were in the Common Room supposedly studying for an exam in Defense. I swear that toadface makes us do useless work. And she's so against Dumbledore too. That makes me hate her even more.

Anyway, instead of studying, the four of us were talking about our next Hogsmeade trip; which is, fortunately, on my birthday! Did I mention that I'm excited for my birthday? Well, either way I'm saying it. I'm excited for my birthday!

It's been two weeks and a half since the tutoring incident with my bracelet happened. I haven't been going to the tutor sessions ever since. And I've been ignoring Malfoy too. Good thing he hasn't said anything to me either. Whether it be an apology or not.

<2 weeks later *Y/n's b-day!*>

I woke up by a pillow being thrown at me. I groaned and ignored it, knowing who it was. "Go away Hermione. I wanna sleep." But I guess Hermione didn't want to to continue sleeping because you'll never guess what she did next. "Ok, time for plan B." Plan B? What's plan- I felt ice cold water all over my body. She had poured a bucket of water on me! "Happy birthday Y/n!"

I instantly shot out of my bed, shivering. "Bloody hell, Hermione. I get it. I'm up, I'm up." I went and entered the shower, cursing Hermione in Korean under my breath. During the shower, the warm water ran down my body making me relaxed and it helped me clear my mind. Getting out of the shower, I pulled on my robes, brushed my hair and put it in a high ponytail, and headed down to the Great Hall. (Freaking Hermione, Harry, and Ron didn't wait for me.


While lunch was going on, the four of us were in the Common Room. They had given me presents! Ron gave me a box of Berttie Bott's Every Flavored Beans, Hermione gave me a book about past Quidditch players(I'm a big Quidditch fan), Ginny had given me a new quill and ink set earlier today, and Harry gave me the best gift ever! A brand new broomstick! That's right. I'm on the Quidditch team. O/n also came with a package from my parents. There was a letter attached to it. It read:

Y/n Jeon,

Happy birthday! We love you. We hope you are doing well and we hope you enjoy you're present. It's a once in a lifetime gift. Don't ask us for a new one anytime soon because you know what our answer will be. Wow. Our daughter has grown up so fast. 15 already. Have a great birthday. Hope you're enjoying these special 24 hours. Love you.

Bye, mom and dad.

I finished reading the letter and rip open the package. Inside was a new phone! Boy, I have the best parents.

After coming back from Hogsmeade, I decided to take a walk by the Black Lake. As much as I like my family and friends' company, I also like being alone, being in the silence. It was a nice October day. The sun was shining in the sky and a chilly breeze could be felt. Could my birthday get any better?

"Y/n!" I turn to face the direction of the voice. Nope. My day really couldn't get any better. I roll my eyes and turn around, walking in the opposite direction. "Y/n wait!" The voice was much closer this time. I stop when he caught up to me. "What do you want Malfoy?"

"I, um...I heard it was your birthday. And I'm really sorry about the... tutoring incident. So, since it's your birthday today, I got you a gift." As he spoke, Malfoy took out a small gift box from his pocket. Wow. He went as far as to get me a present. He must really feel bad then. But I shouldn't let that get to me. I'm still mad at him.

"Um... thanks." I muttered without expression. I take the gift box. What could possibly be inside. Now that I think about it, this could easily be a prank. But you never know. So I took my chances and untied the ribbon. When I took the lid off the box, I clamped a hand to my mouth out of shock. Inside was..."My grandmother's bracelet!"

And it wasn't broken or anything. It was completely fixed! As if nothing ever happened to it. "How... did you... when? " I spluttered. Malfoy chuckled at my reaction. "I asked a friend if he could somehow fix the bracelet. He was able to do it."

| Draco's POV |

Ever since I broke Y/n's bracelet, I couldn't stop thinking about her reaction. And even though she had stopped coming to the tutor sessions, I still went to the Potions room to wait for her. Everyday I did that. "Not only am I sorry for ruining your bracelet, I'm also sorry for my dad killing your grandmother." Y/n looked up from her gift. She had a tear roll down her cheek. "Thank you Draco..." she said. That was the first time she called me by my first name. I gave her a genuine smile. "It's the least I could do."

What she did next was unexpected. Well, for me at least. Y/n threw her arms around my neck, hugging me tight, and gave me a long kiss on the cheek. It came as a shock to me at first, but I gave in and slid my hands around Y/n's waist, keeping her in my embrace. At that moment I realized I didn't want to be her moral enemy, I wanted to be more than her friend[Author-nim: if you know what I mean]! And I couldn't keep denying the feeling.

Hey guys. So this one took forever to write. You see, I'm the go-along-with-the-story type of writer. I don't exactly have the whole story planned out. But I feel like this story is moving a bit fast. So I might just slow things down. And that might mean making shorter chapters.
But yeah. Luv u! Thx for reading!
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