2》Annoying Pig and Foreigner Freak

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"Um...Dad, where's Platform 9 3/4? I only see 9 and 10."

"That's the beauty of magic. Ok, come here."

Dad led me and mom to face the wall of Platform 9.

"Make sure nobody is looking at you a-"

"Really? Everyone's looking at us. I have and owl in a cage on my trolley." I said with a 'seriously' face.

"Well that's your fault for choosing an owl," Dad says sarcastically. "Now. Concentrate on the wall, and I want you to run to it."

I turn to mom after hearing dad's instructions. "Mom, is Dad trying to kill us?"

"I...can't answer that." Replied Mom.

Dad sighed. "Want me to go first?"

"Sure." I answer.

Dad stared at the wall and walked to it. Right when I thought he was going to hit it, he disappeared. Mom and I were both surprised.

"Ok, then. Let's go, Y/N."

And so we went together. And I didn't crash. Instead I entered a new platform. Platform 9 3/4. There were so many new faces; kids saying goodbye to their families. I also saw a beautiful red train which I guessed was the Hogwarts Express.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Asked Dad. I shook my head. The train sounded, indicating,

"10 minutes left." Muttered Dad.

Mom looked at me.

"You have everything? Owl, books, robes, extra clothes, cauldron, wand, shoes; anything missing?"


"Be careful, ok? I dont want you getting hurt or anything. Try to make friends. You were good at that in Muggle school. Oh, I'm going to miss you so much, my daughter." Mom hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek. She let me go.

Dad kneeled in front of me.

"When you enter the school, you'll be sorted into houses. Either Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin. You can choose any house. Now let me tell you this: Be careful with Slytherin. They're very cunning. There are some people who become very bad...just like you-know-who."

"What house were you in?"


"Then I'm gonna be in Gryffindor."

Dad smiled. "If you really want to."

The train sounded again.

"5 minutes left. Y/N, you should get on the train. Remember to message us. We'll be messaging you too."

" 'K. Bye guys! Love you guys!"

I got on the train and found an empty compartment, which was, coincidentally, right near my parents. I stuck my head out the window and waved at them. The train sounded one last time and the engine started. I waved at my parents until they were out of my sight. When they were gone, I closed the window and sat back in my seat, dazed. I'm really doing this. I'm really going to Hogwarts.

A knock on the compartment door snapped me back to reality. 2 boys stood there, smiling.

"Hi, could we sit here? The other compartments are full." Said the one with bright red hair.


"I'm Ron Weasley. Nice to meet you."

"Y/N Jeon."

"I'm Harry. Harry Potter." Said the one in glasses.

"Hi Harry. Wait...you are...the boy who lived. My dad told me about you."

Harry nodded.

"You don't seem like you're from here."

"It's 'cause I'm not. I come from Daegu, South Korea."

"Wow, that's pretty far."

That's when a girl with puffy hair knocked on the door and sat next to me.

"Hi, I'm Hermione Granger."

"U-um...I'm Y/N Jeon." I stuttered, surprised at the sudden introduction.

"I saw you and I thought you were really pretty. You look like you're from somewhere in Asia."

"Yeah, you're on the right track. I'm from Daegu, South Korea."

"I wanted to know if we could be friends" she asked, looking and sounding hopeful.

"I don't see why not." 

"Great! And who are you two?" Hermione asked the boys.

"Ron Weasley."

"Mhm," she responded, sounding uninterested. And you?"

"Harry Potter."

Hermione's eyes grew wide. "Harry Potter, the boy who lived? That's really cool."

"Well I think it's quite pathetic."

We looked over to the compartment entrance and saw a pale boy with white-blonde, slicked back hair, and 2 fat boys behind him.

"And who might you be?" Questioned Hermione.

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. "

"What kind of name is that? Sounds stupid" I blurted out.

"Well you are stupid, filthy pest." Draco shot back, with disgust in his voice.

"You call me a filthy pest, but, by the looks of it, you don't seem to be any cleaner."

"Says the one with holes in her pants. Are you that poor, you can't afford to buy new ones?" he says whilst looking at my ripped jeans.

"I'm not poor, whatsoever. My pants are purposely ripped because it's the style in South Korea."

"Tch. Foreigner. I should've known."

"Well if you were smart enough, you would have figured that out right away, just like these 3 people." I say, pointing to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Malfoy grit his teeth. "I'm not done with you, foreigner freak."

"I have a name, you annoying pig. It's Y/N Jeon."

Malfoy and his goons walked away.

"He pisses me off, that one." muttered Ron.

"Tell me about it." Harry and I say together.

Hermione changes the subject. "You guys should get changed into your robes."

I grabbed my robes and went to the restroom to change. When I finished, I exited the bathroom and saw Malfoy. Rolling my eyes and sighing, I attempt to ignore him but he just had to say something.

"Where're you going Jeon? Can't think of any more comebacks?"

I groaned and turned to face him. "No, I just don't want to deal with your big ego. Honestly, how do you fit that ego in your small head? And now that I think about it, do you even have a brain in that small head of yours?"

Malfoy walked up to me to the point where our noses were almost touching.

"When we get to Hogwarts, just. You. Wait."

"Perfect. I look forward to it."

I kissed his nose and winked at him flirtatiously before walking away, leaving him dumbfounded.

When I returned to the compartment, there were a lot of treats.

"Hey Y/N, I bought candies for all of us. These are a must try. They're the best. There's cauldron cakes, chocolate frogs, and Berttie Bott's Every-flavored beans."

"Cool" I smiled.


We finished the candies when Hermione looked out the window and shouted, "Look! We're here!"

We all look out the window at the beautiful castle. Wah. What a beauty.


Thanks for reading!
Love you guys!❤💚💙💛

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