12》 You Owe Me

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| Draco's POV |

I'm a bit concerned and worried for Y/n. She's been acting quite strange lately. And is it just me or is she avoiding my presence? Did I do something wrong?

I was walking down a nearly empty corridor when I spotted Y/n walking alone with her head down. I walked up to her and was about to say something, when she bumped into me. Looking up, her eyes widen at the sight of me. Y/n was about to leave but I took hold of her arm and dragged her to an empty hallway, against her will.

After letting go of her arm, I said, "Jeon, why do you look as if your world came crashing down on you? I mean, you look depressed." She glared at me with fire in those eyes of hers. Hm, reminds me of when I broke her bracelet. "What do you want, Malfoy?" Y/n said harshly.

"What's wrong? You're not your usual self today. You weren't like this yesterday." Y/n sighed. "Just leave me be. I'm not in the mood to talk rightnow." Then, something clicked in my mind. "Wait...Are you-...are you on your monthly cycle?" I questioned her, a playful smirk on my face. Her face gave a look of disgust at what I asked her. "Like hell I'm going to answer that! Pervert." she yelled, the last part mumbling under her breath.

I chuckled at her reaction. There's the Y/n I know. "Now can I please go? If you haven't noticed, I have a class to attend." she said, annoyed. But I wasn't done with her just yet. "Mmm..." I said, pretending to be thoughtful. "Nope." I said, popping the 'p'.


"Because I said so, and because I wanted to tell you that you owe me, Jeon."

| Y/n's POV |

I gave him a confused look. "Owe you for what exactly?"

"I got your bracelet fixed." he said smugly. I scoffed at his words. "That's what you had owed me for breaking it." Malfoy just smiled cockily. "In my world, fixing your bracelet was a favor. So now, you owe me, love."

"Ew. Don't call me that; 1" I said whilst holding up my pointer finger, "And 2," I continued, making a peace sign to signify the number two, "We're not in your world Mr. Malfoy."

"Well-" he started but I cut him off. "Well what? What are you gonna say? 'Well in my world, we are in my world? 'Cause that most definitely does not make sense." Malfoy looked away, obviously embarrassed. "Are you blushing?" I asked, trying to hold back my laughter. "N-no..."

My mouth was open in surprise, yet I still had a smile. "And you just stammered! What a success! Who knew someone- that someone being me- could actually make Draco Malfoy so embarrassed, he would actually blush and stutter!"

"Could you shut up? Why are you so loud?" Malfoy angrily asked. "I don't know. I'm just normally like that." I responded with a stupid smile still plastered on my face from making Malfoy embarrassed. "Anyway, going back to our original subject, before you so rudely interrupted, you still owe me. What a Malfoy wants, a Malfoy gets." I snorted. "Where'd you get that line from?"

"Stop changing the subject!"

"Ok, ok, sorry." I put my hands up in surrender. "Now." Malfoy put his hands out to me. "What?" I asked, looking from him, to his hand, and back to him. "You have to shake my hand to make it so that you can't back out." I rolled my eyes before sticking my hand in his and giving each other a firm handshake. "Ready for what I'm going to tell you?" I nodded. "You have to do as I say for a whole week." My eyes widened. "What?! Hell no."

"Too bad. We already shook on it." I huffed and shook my head at the advantage Malfoy took. This was going to be a long week. "Get ready for the next seven days. It starts tomorrow." He smirked his famous smirk.

"Ah, this is going to be just great." I muttered.


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The Story Of Our Lives {Draco Malfoy Fanfiction} Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora