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A/N: Merry Christmas!! This may only be a short drabble to let you all know that I'm still alive and not a Christmas chapter, you can still consider it my present to you! University was murder for the holidays, and then there's all the present shopping... I had no freetime unless I rejected sleep XD But now I'm on winter break and will be working on stories and fanart as much as I can before the next semester starts! I hope you enjoy this short chapter while I get back into the hang of fanfiction writing and not report papers... 

Peter's eyes snapped open, a short scream passing through his lips. His body shot up in bed, his hands gripping at his chest as tears pricked his eyes. It took him more than a moment to calm down, his eyes darting around the room to try and find something to ground himself with but coming up with nothing. He could only wait out the panic that held his body, wait for the nightmare to clear of his mind just enough that he could stop gasping for breath.

Once his heart had settled down enough for him to move properly again, he quickly threw off his covers and left the room. He knew all hope for returning to sleep was lost, even though a quick glance at the clock on his bedside told him he'd only been asleep for three hours. Which wasn't so bad... He's gone through a day with less.

Sneaking down the hall, Peter kept his ears tuned into the sleeping sounds of the other Avengers. The last thing he wanted was to wake them up and have to deal with explaining why he was awake... 

He cursed himself for having a nightmare at the Compound, because of course he did. It was a miracle that Mr. Rogers was on another floor or the man probably would have heard his scream... Peter never thought he'd love the fact that his room was on the floor with the Avengers that had normal hearing - even if it meant that he had to deal with Sam's antics occasionally.

Taking many twists and turns down corridors that would have gotten him lost not too long ago, Peter let out a small sigh of relief as he saw the kitchen ahead; he would make himself some hot chocolate and then start doing what was left of his homework. Why did he have to finish the majority of it before he came to the Compound? It wouldn't take him long, then he'd have to find some other way to distract his mind.

Digging through a pantry, Peter frowned slightly. He turned to go through a cabinet as his frown deepened. Someone had used the last of his hot chocolate mix... He needed a warm drink to calm his mind down though, what was he supposed to do? He didn't share Loki or Miss Romanoff's love of tea, and Mr. Stark had banned him from coffee.

Glancing at the coffee machine though, he didn't really see any reason why he shouldn't have any. After all, it's not like he'd be spending time with the others and annoying them, plus he needed to stay awake.

He took a single step towards it before a voice spoke from behind him.

"Do not even think of it, child."

Whirling around, Peter stared with wide eyes as Loki stood in the doorway with his Italian silk pajamas and slightly tousled hair. Peter had to do a double take because he had never seen Loki like this before, the man was always properly dressed whenever he came out of his room in the mornings.

"Loki! What are you doing up? Did you need something in the kitchen too?" Peter gave a nervous chuckle, his hands fidgeting together as he glanced away. The team already viewed him as an emotional baby, he really didn't want Loki to see him that way as well. And while a part of him knew that Loki wouldn't think that, he couldn't help himself for wanting to hold it back. His dream had been so realistic... All of those eyes staring at him... The voices... He shook his head to rid himself of the memory.

"You had a nightmare," He said simply, green eyes bright even in the darkness of the kitchen. Those four words froze Peter where he stood though. 

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