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Request by Guest on FanFiction Net! There's not a lot of teen interaction... I just couldn't find a way to work it all in, but there is some Mom!Loki down at the bottom! I really hope you like it!

It had been a slow night of crime fighting for Spider-Man as he sat on the room of a building to eat, which he was thankful for. He wasn't in the most cheerful mood to be dealing out sarcastic quips with bad guys, no matter how many good ones he had thought of earlier in the day. He supposed that the rest of his class felt the same way, considering that even Flash didn't give him too much hassle towards the end of the school day.

Who would be happy when they found out that their field trip to Manhattan was going to be canceled if they couldn't find a chaperone by Friday? It was Wednesday night now, and no adult was able to just drop everything to spend time with a bunch of teenagers... He would have asked May, but he knew she would be working on that day. The Avengers were an option, but half of the team was out of the country on a mission and the other half had their own things planned for the week... Not to mention that he just couldn't ask them for help after everything they had already done for him...

"Well, look who I found?" A smooth voice called from behind him, causing Peter to jump slightly, He soon smiled as he recognized the voice and turned to smiled at the man walking the roof to him.

"Loki! What are you doing in Queens?"

"I was bored and went for a walk," Loki shrugged, going to sit on the edge next to Peter. "Why do you seem upset?"


"I heard you sighing from the street; don't even try to deny it."

The way Loki's eyes narrowed at him almost comically reminded Peter of the way May got when he tried to hide a present from her. It almost made him laugh.

If he wasn't sighing again, that is. "Remember that school trip I told you about? My class was going to Manhattan for some kind of historic art concert thing? One of the adult chaperones canceled today, and if we can't find a new one by Friday then the whole trip will be canceled... No one's going to volunteer on such short notice though, so the class has sorta given up hope already. I don't really blame them."

Loki nodded slightly; he remembered Peter talking about the trip well. The boy had been so happy about it, saying that the show would be 'so cringey it was great' and rambling on and on about it. It was such a stark contrast against the Peter that sat beside him now while talking about the same topic.

"Stark and May won't be able to go?"

"No, both of them are swamped with work; and I couldn't ask anyone to go anyway, it wouldn't feel right for them to take that much time out of their day for me."

Loki was ready to argue with him right then and there, because the boy needed to finally learn how pretty much every adult in his life would be more than willing to sacrifice their entire existence for Peter's sake, but held back a bit. Because that would make Peter feel guilty if anything ever did happen...

"I'm sure everything will work out in the end," Loki patted Peter's shoulder as they looked out at the skyline. "Someone must have free time to go, you'll see."

As it turned out, Loki was right. The next day at school, Mr. Harrington announced that they had a new last minute chaperone. He wouldn't say who it was, looking almost scared as the students persisted, but Peter didn't care who it was. Someone's relative had freed up time for them and now they could go on the trip.

He would definitely thank them Saturday.

Imagine Peter's surprise when he saw the Prince of Asgard leaning against the bus with the other chaperones, being gawked at by the students and adults alike while he read his book. He quickly walked over with wide eyes.

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