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Request by PreciousCinamonRoll !  I'm so sorry it's so short! It's been a while since I watched movies with Loki in them and I feel like I'm losing my grip on his character... It doesn't help that I now hear Loki's voice as a fandub version of Papyrus from UnderTale...... I need to watch Ragnarok again..... 

Loki might be a bit OOC (out of character) for this. like I said, I haven't watched any of the Thor movies in a while, so I forgot some stuff about Frost Giants... Like their ice powers? Do they have ice powers? If not, I'll edit this later...

Loki normally prided himself in keeping a firm hold on his emotions, even his rage. He no longer had uncontrollable urges to stab anyone when females became too flirty for him at parties, or when Thor annoyed him (dealing with criminals, however, were a different story). And if he ever did have a momentary lapse of control, it was easily fixable by an illusion.

However... Loki currently faced a problem he hadn't dealt with since his childhood.

His mind was too scattered to properly form an illusion, and that only caused the unbearable terror to escalate. Why couldn't he form an illusion?

Loki had joined the team on a mission that had a particularly powerful enhanced with the ability to clone others' powers. Just their luck that the criminal chose Wanda to duplicate... Gave the team hell, that was for sure. Loki had managed to stay in the clear for quite a while; he and Wanda were the best fighters against that opponent. 

But then Peter screamed... the boy had been caught with the red magic and slowly being crushed by it. Loki knew better than to rush into something, he really did. He yelled at Thor and Peter enough for it when they ran head first into a fight without a plan. But damn it, he just couldn't sit by while Peter was slowly killed.

And like the hypocrite he was, Loki rushed to Peter and freed him from the magic, but was soon hit with a blast that sent him through two walls and away from the others. 

He had no idea how long he had been down, the visions that plagued his mind gave him no way to tell the time. But by the time he had truly opened his eyes, his heart was racing and his body was sweating and he couldn't collect his thoughts enough to reason that what he saw was just a made up dream. It wasn't real. Why couldn't he believe that it wasn't real?

How could it not be real when everything was still so blue? Why was it blue? Everything was blue and flickers of red hues danced around the edges of his vision like his own eyes were mocking him. But he would have preferred the red over the blue. After what he saw, he would have taken any color but blue...

Why was it blue?

"Mr. Loki...?" A familiar voice called, causing the man to tense. He heard a body moving through the rubble that he had crashed through, and frost started to gather at his hands in defense against whatever may come to attack him.


A small body tumbled through the wreckage just as Loki used an ability he didn't want to freeze them. Something in the back of his mind told him to wait and see who it was, but the images kept resurfacing in his mind and wouldn't allow him to think logically. So he ran on instinct and shot ice at the person that was currently climbing around the ceiling.

When Peter entered the room that Loki was in, he didn't know what he was expecting. But getting attacked by ice was definitely nowhere near being on the list. He had managed to dodge at the last second, clinging onto the ceiling as he crawled from the barrage of attacks being flung at him. Since when did Loki have ice magic? Something told him it wasn't an illusion, at least, he really didn't want to test it and find out. Could it have something to do with him being a... what had Thor called it? An Ice Giant?

Whatever Loki's true race was, Peter had to work hard to be extra careful. Because this blue form that Loki had obviously was going through some kind of panic attack and didn't know that Peter was a friend. 

Panic attack... Peter had never imagined he'd ever see Loki having a panic attack, never mind him looking so scared. Peter could deal with Loki's anger any day, but seeing the pure fear in his eyes was something Peter never wanted to see again.

"Loki!" Peter shouted as he dropped from the ceiling, shooting webs at him and frowning as Loki dodged them all. Of course it wouldn't be that easy.

It took a bit more acrobatics and four different web shooting settings before Peter managed to pin one of Loki's hand down and finally turned the tide in their small battle. Peter flipped over Loki and pinned his other hand to his side, then shot a web grenade at his feet, effectively keeping Loki in place.

"Get away from me!" Loki's red eyes flared as he struggled, his movements desperate and sharp with fear. Peter's brows furrowed together as he slowly crouched to the ground, pulling off his mask.

"Loki... It's me, Peter. You don't have to be afraid; no one is going to hurt you." Peter relaxed slightly as he saw Loki's struggles start to die off, slowly inching closer to him. "We're friends; you're one of my best friends... I don't know what that guy showed you to make you react like this, but it was all just a dream, it wasn't real."

"It wasn't real..." Loki repeated, his eyes distant but body relaxed.

"That's right, it wasn't real," Peter nodded, now crouched right in front of the blue man.

"But they were-"

"An illusion created by a really bad dude that stole Miss Wanda's  power, it was all in your head..."

An illusion created by that man... That's right. It was an illusion, just like what he had wanted to create in the beginning. He wanted to create an illusion to hide this part of himself... His mind was clearer now, and the familiar warmth of his magic easily washed over him and erased his Jotunheim heritage. He cast the illusion of his normal self standing in the room, calm and collected - as things should be. 

When he looked to Peter, however, the boy's frown deepened even more.

"That Copy-Cat caught me off guard for a second, nothing more. Let's join with the others and finish this." Loki instructed, attempting to regain some of his dignity as he started to leave the room. Peter stopped him though, grabbing the edge of his sleeve to halt him before two thin yet strong arms wrapped around Loki from behind.

Loki stiffened, unsure of what to do with this kind of affection... It had been a very, very long time since he received a hug. Should he return it? Push Peter away? Just stand there doing nothing like he was now?

"You don't have to hide, Loki."

And just like that, the illusion faded to show Loki's cold blue skin and dark red eyes. He hadn't meant to release it, he really didn't want to... Because he was Loki Odinson - prince of Asgard, the rightful king of Jotunheim, god of mischief... He was strong, but this form made him weak. His current state of mind made him weak. He couldn't show weakness like this, if he did-

"You're aren't weak, there's nothing wrong with having emotion. Emotions are what make us human," Peter seemed to nod at his own words, his head brushing Loki's back. "Oh- you're not human, but I meant it like 'you're a good guy' not like you're weak or anything, because I just said that you weren't weak," Peter faltered for words, his ability to speak going downhill very fast.

Damn this child...

A small smile made its way onto Loki's face, his hand - that was turning back to its normal pale tan - placed over Peter's arm and patted it gently.

"Thank you, young one."

"Anytime, Mr. Loki. What are friends for?"

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