Puppy Dog Eyes

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Request by Puppens101 on FFN! It's a bit different than what I normally write, but this was actually such a cute idea XD I really hope you like it!

"You know," Peter chuckled as he leaped onto the side of a building, "of all the enhanced people I've had to fight, I don't think I've ever fought with one in the city doing petty crime before."

"What is wrong with you?" One of the criminals shouted, a gun emerging from his body. The man grabbed the gun as it started to fall, aiming at Spider-Man and shooting. Thankfully Peter was faster and jumped out the way.

He had to admit, these two were strange people... Who had ever heard of an enhanced being able to create weapons within his body without being partly robotic? As far as Peter - and Karen's scans - knew, that man was completely made of flesh.

Peter's eyes drifted over to the side of the alley, where a girl that couldn't be much older than himself stood. She had a hoodie hiding most of her face, but she had not said a word nor tried to fight him since Peter had found them breaking into a building. She just stood there like a mindless doll... It was sorta creepy if Peter was being honest.

"Eyes on me, bug-boy!" Peter's spidey senses went off a second before a laser hit the wall next to him, giving him enough time to narrowly dodge the red death-beam. 

Don't get distracted, Peter thought to himself as he flipped over the man and landed behind him. This fight was getting too dangerous now that there was a laser involved, meaning Peter would have to finish this quickly.

"Spider's have eight eyes, what makes you think I don't already have eyes on you at all times?"

The criminal actually looked slightly creeped out, but it was enough for Peter to shoot a web in his face and take the laser from his grip. Another web was shot at the man's feet, who lost his balance and started to fall backwards if Peter hadn't of attached a strand of webbing to his chest and lowered him down gently.

"Whoa, that could have been bad. You really should be more careful, we wouldn't want you to-"


Peter's eyes widened as he spun around stumbling backwards as the girl was standing right behind him. How had she managed to sneak up on him? That was nearly impossible! He knew he shouldn't have ignored her...

"Is it time for you to fight me now? I really don't want to fight a girl," A memory of his first (and last) training session with Natasha flashed through his mind, "but last time I held back with one, I got beaten up pretty badly. So if you could maybe just-"

"Enough talking." She lifted her head slightly and Peter suddenly couldn't speak as he gazed at her face. Her eyes were the brightest blue he had ever seen, but they were... cat eyes. She had cat eyes. She raised a hand, her hoodie falling back to reveal white hair and cat ears.

Was she a real life neko girl?

That thought stuck in Peter's head, her unique looks captivating him so much that he didn't pay attention to her glowing hand. It wasn't until a burst of light shot at him that he reeled back, but it was too late. The light shot him right in the chest, all the wind leaving him in a gust as he fell back.

He didn't feel anything at first, just stared up at the dark clouds as the numbness extended from his chest to the rest of his body. May had warned him that it would rain later today... He should have brought an umbrella for when he changed back into his civilian clothes. He really didn't want to get sick again.

His thought process was brought to an end as the numbness started to fade, leaving behind a dull ache that was quickly growing into something a lot stronger. White hot pain was shooting through his entire body, eventually pulling a scream out of him as he tried to curl in on himself.

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