Basically My Mom

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I can't believe I wrote this as fast as I did... I guess going to the hospital on my one free day from university really helps give me time to write... There's talks of $3,000+ surgeries for the future, but I've been released to return to the school life... Yay me.

Requested by Belbelanne on FFN. Slightly AU, Loki didn't fake his death in The Dark World and Ragnarok/Infinity War/Endgame never happened. 

Peter bounced excitedly in his seat on the Quin Jet, having given up trying to sit still a long time ago like the others suggested. How could he contain himself when this mission took him off of Earth? It was silly of the adults to think that he wouldn't be jumping for joy the moment they told him about it.

"We're almost at the landing point," Tony commented, flipping a few switches on the jet as it started to lower towards the ground.

"I still do not understand why we must come all the way out here," Thor frowned, idly tossing his hammer around in his hand. "We have left from the Compound before, why not now?"

"Because," Tony turned in his seat to send the golden man a pointed look, "you are one burnt grass circle away from having the maintenance workers plan your murder. And as interesting as that would be, I really don't want to deal with whatever repercussions come from having Earthlings trying to kill the crown princes of an alien race."

The chuckle of the Asgardian warrior sitting next to Thor caught Peter's attention, the man - Fandral - shaking his head slightly. "They would be welcomed to try, but I doubt that a mere Midgardian would be enough to seriously pose threat enough for war."

"You haven't met our gardeners."

Peter let out a chuckle of his own as he glanced to his right, taking in Loki's quiet appearance as he read his book. While the man had been regarded as a hero after the battle with the Dark Elves and he was cleared of all his crimes, Peter knew there must have been some hostility left between the golden alien race and their prince. Given the way that Thor would visit his home world once every few months while Loki stayed very firmly rooted to the Avenger's Compound or patrols with Peter through NYC, it wasn't hard to guess.

But Odin had ordered the brothers back to fight against some new force that threatened that side of the universe. It was supposed to just be them (and the warrior/messenger Fandral) to return through the Bifrost, but Thor had asked Tony for permission to take Peter along as well. Peter had no idea what he said to convince Mr. Stark to allow him to go with the Asgardians, but the night before they left, Thor had brought the offer to Peter.

Of course Peter immediately accepted.

Loki, on the other hand, was not as thrilled... Finding out last minute, he had tried to deny Peter access, but with everyone going for it, Loki really couldn't argue. So for the full five minute flight to the middle of the woods, Loki isolated himself from everyone by reading his book.

Peter felt kinda bad for going against Loki, but he knew why the Asgardians needed him to go with them. Because while Loki was somewhat good on Earth, putting him back on Asgard was a wild card. It was no secret that the real reason Loki was so loyal with the Avengers was because that's where Peter's loyalties were; but even if Loki and Thor were closer than before, they all knew it wasn't enough to keep Loki on their side through the fight to come. And Peter really didn't want to lose his best friend to a space prison...

So Peter reluctantly put up with Loki's silent treatment as they descended to the landing zone for the Asgardians' Bifrost. He was mad now, but Peter knew he wouldn't stay that way the entire time. Hopefully...

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