Damaged but Alive

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Peter was absolutely exhausted; even he couldn't deny it at this point. School and crime-fighting took way too much out of him today and he was ready to call it a night, swinging through the city and hopefully making it to the Compound with little to no more excitement for the night.

Who could blame him though? With three pop quizzes, a fitness test, and a decathlon meet, he barely had enough energy to deal with the bank robbery, car heist, two cats and a dog in trees, four stolen bikes, eight lost tourists, three lost kids, some dude with a gun, and two dudes with knives... He was surprised that he wasn't mortally wounded from all of that...

Of course though, he couldn't catch a break when he wanted to. Along his way, he found a cab driver about to be killed by his passenger. So Spider-Man swooped in and saved the day once again. But it wasn't so bad, because the cabbie offered to drive him anywhere. And Peter was really tired...

With a shrug, he hopped in the backseat and let the yellow car drive him a little over half way to the Compound. It would have been great if they could go all the way, but Captain America had a rule about no outsiders knowing the location of the Avenger base and Peter was forced to walk the rest of the way there. Which only made his exhaustion worse... Things were starting to get kinda blurry, and his body was starting to get cold... That really couldn't be good.

But he made it to the Compound nonetheless, climbing up the side tapping a certain patter onto the window before it opened, climbing in and landing in the kitchen. He was inside at least, that meant he was safe now... He was safe.

He laid down on the floor, exhaustion taking over him as he stared up at the ceiling. He just rested there for a while, not paying attention to the time or how long he stayed. He must have fallen asleep at some point, because the sound of footsteps coming down the hall caused his eyes to fly open. His head turned to see who it was he would be talking with soon, the figure of Loki with an eyebrow raised meeting his vision.

"You're up early, child." Loki commented as he walked into the kitchen more, headed for the pantry. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Yeah..." Peter nodded slowly, not moving anymore than he had to. "Yeah, that would be nice."

Silence fell over the two as Loki pulled out tea and hot chocolate packets for Peter and himself, boiling the water and waiting for the two drinks to brew. Peter stayed in that same position the whole time, which left a bad feeling in Loki's gut - but he pushed it away. If it was truly bad, the AI of this building would have alerted everyone about it.

Still though... even in the dim lighting of the kitchen, Peter did look pale. Could he be sick again? That would explain a quite a bit.

When both the drinks were finished and ready to be drunk, Loki went over to Peter and set the boy's mug on the floor next to him. Loki leaned against the island nearby as he took a sip of his tea, staring down at Peter.

"So... What's wrong?"

Peter's eyes shifted to him before looking back up at the ceiling, licking his lips as he opened his mouth, "I think... I think I got stabbed. Or shot. Maybe both. No, definitely both."

The once tired expression on Loki's face washed away, leaving a blank slate behind as he blinked down at the boy. The silence was back again as Peter didn't even dare to look at Loki, knowing what would soon happen after...

"You...? You're stabbed and shot and you are simply laying on the kitchen floor? Are you trying to die?"

"Well, I mean-"

"Don't answer that." Loki held up his hand as he took a deep breath, setting his tea down to pinch the bridge of his nose with his now free hand. "FRIDAY, please alert the others to the situation and have the med-bay prepared for Peter immediately."

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