Mission to the North

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Loki seemed to slowly fit in more when he was allowed to go on missions, thanks to Peter's suggestion. The team still had their doubts about him (most of them the victim of a prank at one point or another), but Peter managed to convince them to at least give it a chance.

To their surprise, it actually worked. The pranks at the compound stopped almost completely and missions went by smoother. Loki had become a very natural part of the team, making Thor very proud of his brother. The two of them were always on missions together now, and Peter was really happy for them... But he missed his buddy.

"Mr. Stark," Peter started, walking into the lab that his mentor was working in, "Can I ask you a favor?"

Tony stopped his work, looking over at the kid with a raised brow. When does Peter ask for anything? "Yeah, kid. Shoot."

He nervously messed with the strap on his backpack as he looked down and swallowed thickly, "I was wondering... could I go on the mission with Mr. Loki and Mr. Thor?"

"Absolutely not."

Peter faltered slightly, not expecting such an outright no. "But Mr. Stark-"

"No, Peter, they're not staying in New York. They're not even staying in America!"

"But are they staying on Earth?"

The two narrowed their eyes at each other as Tony turned back to his work desk, "The answer's still no, kid. You aren't going with them."

Peter groaned as he turned and left, marching to the elevator as dejected as he could. When Mr. Stark didn't call him back to apologize and let him go, Peter sighed and pulled his backpack off his shoulder and dug inside. He had other ways to achieve his goal.

He went down the halls of the top floor at the compound, his backpack slung over his shoulder again and a large book in his hands. He stopped at a door and took a breath before knocking


"Hey, Mr. Loki," Peter started, peeking his head into Loki's room. The trickster was laying across his bed, book in hand and a cup of tea on the dresser. He looked up at Peter with a raised eyebrow as he closed the book.

"What is it, child?"

Peter walked into the room more, a suspiciously large grin on his face. "Can I come with you and Mr. Thor on your mission?"

"What did Stark say?"

"He told me I couldn't go..." Peter looked down, shifting the book in his hands. Loki eyed the book with curiosity but shook it off.

"And so then why are you asking me?"

"Because he's not the boss of you."

Loki blinked once, then twice, then three times. It was a trap... It was a trap. This was definitely a trap. It was a trap and there was no way that he could get out of it. He couldn't fall for it... there had to be a way to-

"I also brought you the Harry Potter book that you wanted."

Loki's eyes went back to the book, narrowing slightly before holding his hand out. "Go pack your things, we leave at first light."

Peter cheered as he handed the book over, thanking Loki as he ran out the room and down the hall. Now all he had to do was sneak past Mr. Stark and he'd go on a mission with Loki and Thor! This was going to be awesome!

As Peter was packing, it occurred to him that he wasn't told where exactly they were going and he had no idea what to pack. But how bad could it really be? And really, did he actually need to pack anything? He was going to have his spider suit and that would be enough; so he would just pack one extra set of normal civilian clothes in case he got to go sightseeing.

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