Penny Parker and the Boy

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Trigger Warning? Maybe? Without giving much away, it involves a boy giving Penny a drink... If the TW applies to you, you'll be able to figure it out.

A/N: Requested by Guest on FFN.  To be honest, this chapter was somewhat difficult for me to write... This entire topic is something I generally avoid for personal reasons. So please forgive me if this chapter seems somewhat vague or rushed.

If there was one thing that Loki really didn't like to deal with on Earth, it was the fact that sometimes he had to become uncomfortable so that others could be happy. If it was for Penny, he could find it slightly tolerable. He wouldn't silently plan her death in his head as he was doing for everyone else. No, he could handle anything Penny put him through if it was to make her smile.

What he could not handle was what the Avengers were putting him through.

Loki hated parties - Midgardian parties at least. He could enjoy himself at a party or gathering anywhere else but Midgard; there was just something about the humans that he couldn't stand... He didn't even know what it was, but he just hated it. But he had made a promise to Thor and Penny that he would try to act like he was enjoying himself.

The Avengers were currently hosting a Christmas party for numerous political people and their families - which was so much worse than the charity galas. Instead of it just being the rich people looking down on everyone, their spoiled children were running rampant. The amount of teenage girls that tried to throw themselves in his arms was staggering! He had been spoiled by Penny's friendship into forgetting that a human teenage girl could be vicious... 

Staying near Penny did nothing to help him either, if anything it just put a target on the sweet girl. So Loki decided to stay away from her for the party, at least until the female population calmed down. He did keep an eye on her, however, smiling faintly as she and her friends laughed about something.

"Brother!" Thor called, catching Loki's attention as he made his way over, a ridiculous Santa hat perched on his head. "Are enjoying yourself?"

"As much as one would enjoy being attacked by a screaming krabat."

Thor laughed, clapping his brother on the shoulder with a smile, "Come now, it's not that bad."

"No." Loki took a sip of his champagne, "It's much worse."

"Maybe if you were nicer, they would be as well?"

The two shared a look, knowing smiles spreading across both their faces as they laughed to themselves. 

They passed banter back and forth for a while longer, Loki threatening to put poison in Thor's drink at some point just for something interesting to happen - only to be brushed off with a deep chuckle because Thor knew his brother 'wasn't like that anymore'. Loki was all the more tempted by that, and began to plan out how and when to poison him as Thor was called over by one of the guests. 

Loki watched him leave with a smirk, knowing that his brother might have a little trouble staying awake once he got his hands on his drink...

Scanning the party for Penny again, he frowned as he no longer saw her with her friends nor was she near the food table. Was she making another attempt at the champagne? He smirked at the memory as he did a quick check of all the servers walking the crowd; none of which Penny was by.

His brows creased as he moved from his spot, purposefully ignoring a group of girls that tried to catch his attention. If she wasn't with her friends, at the food table, or trying to sneak a drink, then she must have gotten sensory overload and left. Loki had no qualms with leaving the party in search for her; in fact, he would have rejoiced over this if he didn't know about the pain an overload could cause her.

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