Fighting Fears

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Request by bubbles_pandalife and ElainaDoliboa on Wattpad. I saw an opportunity and I took it... I combined two requests. I really hope you both don't mind, I think they fit together pretty well..... 


Loki, though he would never admit it, had quite a bit of anxiety since coming to Earth. After joining the Avengers, he felt like it was hard to breath at times, or that there was a knot in his chest that wouldn't let go of him. 

All because of Peter. 

Loki hated it.

It didn't help at all that he recently had a nightmare of Peter dying. He, Prince Loki of Asgard, had a nightmare of a child dying... He realized he had sunken to such a low point, but the thought of Peter no longer being there... No longer being able to go on missions or spend idle time together or pull those pranks on the rest of the Avengers... It shook something deep within him. Loki could no longer imagine his life without the boy anymore.

And he hated it.

He was a god - a royal one at that! He was part of one of the most powerful races known to the universe! He had come to Earth to conquer it in the past, he had killed so many people to achieve his goals in life! And yet now he stood on the sidelines, watching a human boy fight an enhanced and sincerely worry about the boy's welfare with knots in his stomach.

He hated watching Peter swing headfirst into the middle of the fight; hated not being able to stop him from getting backhanded so hard Loki feared the boy's neck would snap; hated watching his body fly back through the air it had just come from, hitting the rubble from damaged buildings until he finally flopped to the ground. Loki absolutely hated - no. He loathed it. 

"Peter!" Quickly getting off the sidelines where the boy had dared him to stay, Loki sent a knife flying at the enhanced and pinned them to a nearby wall before rushing to Peter's side.

The boy groaned slightly as he slowly started moving against the ground, tentatively placing a hand on his head. "That... That didn't go as planned."

Loki took in a breath as he examined the youth, eyeing the ripped fabric of the mask that showed a large mark already starting to bruise Peter's cheek. "I should hope not..."

"Next time will be better though, now that I know what they can do...!"

A frozen heart jumped inside his chest, words from a nightmare forcing a buried memory to the surface. Images of a lifeless Peter filled his mind, both injuries and exhaustion taking the last breath away from him. That dream was completely possible, Loki realized with a start. "No."

Peter blinked, looking up at the man with narrowed lenses. "No?"

"You won't be facing them again. It's too dangerous; I never should have let you talk me into sitting this one out." Loki shook his head as he stood up, sending a heated glare to the enhanced that was trying to free their jacket from Loki's knife. "I will handle this, you sit here."

"Loki, you can't be serious...!"

"I am." The man didn't even spare Peter a look as he turned his back and started walking toward the enhanced. "I won't allow you to be hurt on my watch; Stark would throw a fit."

Stark was always his excuse... He knew Peter didn't believe him anymore, no one did, but it gave him some sense of control back. Loki only had a mild care for Peter, he was only protecting him to avoid a lecture from Stark later. It wasn't true, but he would rather fake it than risk letting his emotions get the better of him.

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