Family of Bears Pt. 2

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Somewhat important A/N at the end of the chapter?? It would mean a lot if you would read it and give me your thoughts on the matter!

"He's going to come after you..."

"Nah, man, I'll just get it later on."

"Unless you forget again. Remember what happened last time?"

Ned frowned as he recalled the memory, shuddering in fear. He quickly pulled out his phone and powered up the app, starting his next Duolingo lesson. Peter chuckled, remembering the fear his friend felt when Duo had threatened him for missing his last lesson. He had had to sit on Ned's apartment roof, dressed as Spider-Man for the majority of the night just to offer some comfort to his friend.

"What made you want to learn Russian anyway?" Peter asked, his head tilted curiously, "You're barely passing Spanish."

"So that I can impress the Black Widow if I ever meet her! And what if Spider-Man has to go to Russia? I need to be prepared!"

Peter just smiled as he listened to the familiar chime as Ned got the answers right.

"Невинных," The app called before another correct chime sounded. "Паук." Another chime. "Мяты." Chime.

Something stirred within Peter then, like a snake rearing its head from some dark corner of Peter's being. A shadow covering his mind and filling his body. The warning tingle at the back of his neck, normally to loud and demanding, was nothing more than a soft whisper.



He could feel himself slipping away, each word fueling the darkness inside of him, powering it until he could barely feel himself. Pressing and fusing with him until he couldn't tell where he ended and the darkness began.

"Новые функции."



Moving on instinct, Peter shot out of his chair and slapped the phone out of Ned's hand, sending it crashing to the floor, the screen breaking into pieces and a hush falling over the lunchroom to stare at the pair. Peter panted heavily, the darkness in his mind still there and clouding his actions. He wanted to run, but his legs wouldn't move. He couldn't move. Why couldn't he move? A broken sob escaped him as he tried to gain control of his body again.

Flashes of memories played in his head; nothing but pain and screaming. Underneath it all though, he could hear words. Those same Russian words... chanting over and over again. They were stealing away his mind, his control, his entire being. Ten words that were going to ruin him completely.

"Peter!" Suddenly he was soaking wet, causing him to rear back and look around. He took in the sight of MJ with an empty water bottle standing in front of him, Ned on the floor near the wall, and the majority of the lunchroom students surrounding them. They were no longer sitting at the table like they should have been... And a closer inspection of Ned showed the boy grabbing his stomach and gasping for air.

"What is wrong with you, Parker?" MJ demanded, making her way to Ned now that she deemed Peter somewhat safe. Though she never took her eyes off of him, distrust written all over her face.

He could hear the whispers then... The students talking about how he had attacked Ned. How he had punched him so hard in the stomach he had sent Ned flying backwards into the wall. How grateful they were that MJ had been able to stop him before he could attack Ned again.

He... he had attacked Ned.

He attacked his best friend.

Some part of his mind registered a loud beeping from his watch, but he couldn't process it. All he could focus on was the ragged breaths Ned was slowly pulling in.

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