Mother Knows Best

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There were definitely many types of role models in Peter's life; he viewed most of the avengers as his uncles. Bruce was the smart uncle, Steve was the strong uncle, Thor was the jock uncle, Rhodey was the funny uncle, Sam... Sam was his annoying cousin. And Natasha was his very dangerous aunt. Tony - whether the man would admit it or not - was most definitely his dad.

And as things turned out, he even got a mom out of this group.

"I told you that it was going to be cold, I even told you to bring a jacket. But did you listen to me? No, because you are the most stubborn child on this planet."

Peter chuckled lightly as Loki complained, trying to hide how funny he found this situation. Of course, looking back at how they were somewhat stranded on the outside of NYC in the middle of winter with snow everywhere, maybe he shouldn't actually be laughing... But it was just the fact that Mr. Stark had the same conversation with him last week that had Peter on the edge of laughing aloud.

"You're even delirious now, laughing at a situation like this. You can freeze to death out here, you know?"

"Don't worry, we'll be back soon enough." Peter grinned as he shoved his hands in his pockets, looking ahead at the distant skyscrapers covered in snow. He was freezing, and it was taking everything in him to hide the shivers that racked through his body, but he wouldn't let Loki see that. The man had already given Peter his jacket, he wouldn't let him give up his scarf and gloves too. If only he had his watch that Mr. Stark made him, he'd be able to have everyone here in minutes with a warm car, or even a jet...

Alas, all of their tech was taken when they accidentally fell through a wormhole into the hideout of a group of enhanced criminals - while they were in civilian clothes. So Peter didn't even have his web-shooters to help him out. Loki's magic was the only reason that they were alive right now, having caused a distraction long enough for them to escape from the criminals and out into the cold. Thankfully they weren't too far away from the city, but it would be a few hours of walking.

In all honestly, Peter was a bit nervous about what could happen to them. They were miles away from any warmth while possibly being chased by a group of enhanced criminals... Loki would probably be fine, Peter knew of his past as a Frost Giant; but he could feel his own body starting to shut down. His hands - shoved deep in his pants pockets - were numb and stiff, he was having trouble walking in a straight line or even staying upright, the shaking of his body was getting very hard to hide, and even he could hear the slurring of his voice. It wasn't looking good for him if they didn't get to somewhere warm soon.


"Get down!"

Peter grabbed the back of Loki's shirt and pulled him away just as a large tree slammed into the ground where they once were. Peter glanced around, desperately trying to quiet his hard breathing as his hearing was the only thing that was helpful in finding the bad guy now (his spidey-sense had been going off ever since they fell into the wormhole and had just been a huge annoyance this whole time). He turned his head around, listening for any kind of movements that would give the enemy away but finding nothing but harsh wind.

"Peter, you need to calm down."


Peter whipped his head to the side, starting to move towards the sound of crunching snow when a spike of pain shot through his head, making him lose balance and nearly face plant into the ground if it hadn't been for Loki catching him.

"I told you to calm down, child, and I should hope you will listen now." Even with his fogged head, Peter comprehended the stern tone Loki used, knowing that there wasn't any room for him to try and argue now. "This isn't like Russia, even though circumstances are similar. We were prepared for Russia, and you had a suit on that kept you warm. Right now, you are showing signs of hypothermia and if we don't raise your body temperature soon, things can get really dangerous. So you will let me take care of these idiots and you are going to stay right here while I do so. Am I understood?"

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