Sick Day 2.0

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Request by Hoideheymwtoday ! Loki's interaction isn't really there until the end... and it's really not that much... Sorry! >.< I tried my best, and rewrote it a few times, but I still feel like it's failing somehow. I still hope you like it though!

It was safe to say that Peter had an adequate amount of medical knowledge. When his aunt and was a nurse and one of his role models was a medical scientist, it kinda became natural for him to learn a few things. Not to mention how many times he had needed immediate Med-Bay attention (but he wouldn't get into that thought).

The point was, Peter could instantly tell the moment he got sick. He felt the moment his body started to ache and how sluggish his movements were. His stomach was in knots as well, and it took every bit of self control and strength he had to not throw up whenever he smelled food (or anything really, his stomach apparently didn't like any smell at the moment).

All medical knowledge that Peter had told him it would be best to take it easy for the day, let his body rest as much as it could and go to bed early.

Would Peter listen to all his medical knowledge?


It wasn't entirely his fault though! He had no control over the three pop quizzes, P.E., or Flash that he faced. Those combined were enough to tire him out on a normal day, so Peter decided to go home and get painkillers and maybe a nap in before he started patrolling... Of course though, crime waits for no one and Peter had to rush into his suit when he came across some gangsters cornering a young girl.

Since he was already in his suit after that, why not just stay out and start his normal paroling routine? He had superhuman healing after all, he'd be better soon anyway!




Four days had passed and he didn't get better. Only worse... And yet somehow he was still managing to do his homework and patrolling without too much hassle. He wasn't getting as much sleep as he probably should though, but that wasn't important.

The only reason his growing sickness wasn't found out yet was probably because May had been pulling double shifts for the last few nights now and wasn't around much to actually see the dark eye-bags Peter was sporting on his too-pale skin. Or the fact that he was starting to lose weight from all the food he was not eating... That probably wasn't good.

Today however, might be different.

It was Friday, meaning that he would be hanging out with the Avengers until Monday. He was probably going to get in a lot of trouble once they found out about his little sickness... and he wouldn't blame them. Mr. Stark would probably ground him and take away his patrolling for a while, Mr. Rogers would definitely lecture him, and Loki... it was only a few weeks ago that Loki was sick and he had insisted on bed rest for the man. He could only imagine what Loki would say now that the tables had turned...

Unless... he found a way to hide that he was sick. It wouldn't be easy, and it definitely wasn't smart, but if he could just stay out of the spotlight until he got better, then there would really just be a slap on the wrist and someone telling him not to do it again! 

Forming a plan in his head, Peter swung through the streets of New York to go home and prepare. He had a few hours before Happy came to pick him up, meaning that he had to work fast. It was kind of like when you had a major test in school and you were just studying the subject the night before... But whenever Peter did that, he normally passed. So he thought that this was a good sign.

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