On a Scale of 1 to 10...

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I read this thing from tumblr by artemxmendacium, runnerfivestillalive, and secretsaway and needed to make a story out of it... It's highly illogical that anything like this would ever happen, but this is fanfiction - anything is possible! *insert Spongebob meme*

Post Infinity War

Once everything had slowed down after Thanos, after the dust had settled (no pun intended) and everything was starting to go back to normal, Peter realized that he had been staying in the same building as Earth's first evil alien invader. But Loki wasn't trying to take over Earth again it seemed? At least not openly. Mr. Thor seemed to think pretty highly of his brother, so maybe he turned good?

Upon closer look, Loki seemed pretty cool. He was quiet and almost shy around the Avengers and other heroes that were staying in the compound, but Peter could hear Thor laughing at some of the jokes the trickster told in private. The boy found himself wanting to meet Loki more and more...

It wasn't until a week later that fate saw fit to let the two together. Peter had been working with Tony in the labs when he'd gotten hungry. Tony sent him on a food run while the man went to get some blueprints he left in his car.

Entering the kitchen area, Peter hesitated slightly at seeing Loki leaning against a counter and drinking coffee. Loki seemed to be at peace with his eyes closed and mug held with both hands, Peter really didn't want to disturb him... but his stomach was growling and he couldn't resist the calling for food.

"H-Hi, Mr. god Loki sir," Peter greeted as he walked in. Loki's eyes opened, green orbs following the youth around.

"Greetings, boy," Was the somewhat cold reply.

Peter frowned. "Man. I'm Spider-Man, so I'm not a kid anymore."

Loki looked him up and down, holding his mug higher as he failed to hide a smirk. "If you say so."

The not-child nodded determinedly as he made his way over to the cabinets, starting to pull out chips and other junk foods. Silence filled the kitchen as the two minded their own business, though Peter still had something on his mind.

"So... aren't you like... a bad guy?" Peter asked warily, not wanting to offend the god as he balanced the overloaded bags in his arms.

Loki simply shrugged as he drank his coffee, "It varies from moment to moment."

The enhanced boy nodded slowly in thought, "So like... on a scale from one to ten -ten being the worst evil imaginable, like... killing puppies, and one being 'I'll spit on your hot dog'; Where are you right now?"

Loki's eyebrows pushed together in slight confusion and wonderment, having never thought of things like this before. "Maybe a three?"

Peter gave a smile and nodded again. "Cool. Lemme know if it gets above a six."

"Peter!" Tony called, waving some blue papers in the air from the doorway, "Do you want to work on these designs or not? If you don't hurry, I'll do it without you...!"

The boy's eyes brightened as he started running to his mentor. "Yeah! I'll be right there!" He looked over his shoulder and smiled at Loki, "It was nice meeting you!"

Loki watched him leave, his expression giving away nothing until he was sure that he was alone in the room once again. A smirk slowly made its way on his face as he chuckled, "I like him."

It was a joke, Loki knew that. He wasn't meant to take the boy up on it. But living around such creatures as Midgardians was very stressful for him and his inability to do what he wanted. He tried to control himself, to be good around the weak humans, but it was too much sometimes.

Spider and Snake [REQUESTS CLOSED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora