Lokison 2.0

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A/N: It's my birthday! So I decided if I get presents today, I should share something with my amazing readers! So here is the last Lokison AU in celebration! (No worries, there will still be Lokison, but it's all moving to a new book!)

"Please seek shelter immediately, this is not a drill. Aliens are attacking Manhattan, I repeat, aliens are attacking Manhattan-"

"Peter, turn that off!" May's voice called, her stress bringing the pitch up to a point that Peter nearly flinched - but obeyed her nonetheless.

He got up from his place on the sofa and went to watch his aunt stuff as many things into a box as she could, the panic and fear almost causing the tears to escape her wet eyes. He wanted nothing more than to comfort her, to hug her and promise to protect her from any harm; he would be a super hero for her, just like Iron Man! But he couldn't... not now anyway. When he had gone to hug her before, she had snapped at him and told him to pack his room.

But Peter didn't want to move, he had friends here, he liked his school here... Why did they have to move just because of some aliens? Iron Man would save the day-

"Peter!" May's voice caused him to jump, looking at her with wide eyes. "I thought I told you to go pack...! We need to leave soon!"

"But I don't want to go...!" Peter whined, "I want to stay. And what about Uncle Ben? He still hasn't come home yet, we can't leave without him...!"

"We aren't leaving without him, sweetie." May rushed over to him, cupping Peter's face in her shaking hands, "But we need to leave. You won't understand, but we need to."

Peter pouted, but May simply turned him around and patted his back in the direction of his room, "Now go, or I won't take you to that science expo thing next month."

The boy's eyes widened as he turned and quickly started running to his room, but paused in the hall. He couldn't explain it, but he suddenly felt... something pulling him towards the apartment door. It was like a magnet, drawing him in. Peter couldn't stop himself from approaching the door, staring at it with curiosity.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when someone knocked on it, whatever trace over him broken by the noise.

"Ben...!" May cheered, rushing to the door, sending Peter a look as she passed him and threw the barrier open and proceeded to jump at the man on the other side.

Peter would have found it funny had he not been so confused. The man standing on the other side of the door was definitely not Uncle Ben (why May thought the man would knock to enter his own apartment, Peter wouldn't know) and May had realized that almost too late. She was nearly in his arms when she caught herself, backpedaling into the wall so fast she almost tripped over herself.

The man spared her a small glance before looking to Peter, the boy swearing that a shock had gone through him when they met eyes. He had the brightest green eyes that Peter had ever seen, a matching green scarf under his suit jacket. His black hair was slicked back in a way that reminded Peter of the politicians Ben hated... but it looked cool on this man. Everything about this man looked cool.

"You..." May's voice came out breathless, grabbing Peter's arm and pushing him behind her. "What are you doing here...?"

A smirk pulled at the man's face, his head tilting just slightly, "I think you know why, or you wouldn't be hiding him now."

"You can't have him!"

A sigh passed the man's lips, his eyes rolling dramatically. "I'm not going to take him from you, do you really think I'm in any way capable of caring for a child at the moment?" Those green eyes glanced to Peter again, "I just want to meet him."

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