Weakness and Strength

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If Peter had learned anything from his time hanging out with the Avengers, it was that they weren't indestructible gods - even Loki and Thor. They all had their weaknesses. They were just a remarkable group of people, nothing more and nothing less. It gave Peter hope for himself; that with all of his flaws and fears, he could still turn out as great as them.

However, it was when he saw his role models in their weakness that disturbed Peter. He hated to see the fear or pain on their faces as they went against something they were forced to overcome... It hurt him nearly as much as it did his teammates.

"Loki!" Peter called as he swung through a nearly collapsing building, searching desperately for his friend. "Mr. Loki, please answer me!"

It was supposed to have been just a normal day... Peter was Spider-Manning around the city when Loki decided to join him, they were doing things that they normally did together while looking for trouble. It was all so perfectly normal that neither one of them was prepared for the sudden attack.

A large portal of fire opened up behind them, Peter's senses barely going off in time for him to turn around when a blast of fire came out at them. Both of them had moved just in time to avoid turning into a blackened crisp, but Peter knew that this wasn't going to be a good fight... He knew what fire and too much heat could do to Loki, and he didn't want to see that again. So he tried taking on the enhanced fire bender as soon as he stepped onto the roof with them.

That was a mistake.

And Loki paid the price.

When Loki cursed and pushed him out of the way of a particularly deadly explosion, fear like never before coursed through Peter's veins. Loki's body was hurtled off the roof and into a building on the other side of the street, the sounds of glass and walls breaking nearly sending Peter's heart into overdrive.

"Loki!" Peter didn't think twice about shooting a web over and going into the building in search for the man. He just barely remembered to look behind him to locate the enhanced, but didn't see him anymore. That couldn't be good... But Peter couldn't care now, he had to find Loki.

It didn't take him long; all he had to do was follow the crash path. And Loki laid against the wall at the end, his side burnt and clothes damaged as he struggled to breathe through the pain.

"Mr. Loki, are you okay? Of course you're not okay, that's a stupid question...! What can I do to help? I can carry you out, do you think that'll be okay on your injuries? I'll be very careful!"

Loki grunted as he held up a hand to silence the boy, shaking his head stiffly. "It's fine, child. Calm down. You need to alert Stark and my brother of this, they are better suited to handle fires than we are."

"I can't though," Peter's voice shook as he tapped a hand to his mask, "I think Karen was damaged in the first blast, everything is offline right now."

Loki took in a deep breath as he glanced over to where the sound of heavy footfalls were coming closer. "Peter, you have to leave. No- listen to me," He held up his hand again when he saw the boy about to argue. "Neither of us are prepared to fight a fire controlling enhanced, especially you. I can cast illusions around myself, and you if need be, but it is more important that you go to fetch the others."

"I can't just leave you here though...!"

"You have to, child. Now go, I'd rather face this man than an angry Stark if you get hurt." Loki chuckled a bit, reaching over to pat Peter's shoulder and giving it a small push.


"Go or I will send you out myself," All traces of humor were gone as Loki's gaze turned serious, his eyes glancing back to the sound of the enhanced getting closer. "Now Peter, I won't tell you again."

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