I'll See You On The Other Side {Jack Mitchell}

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It wasn't Cormack stuck in that room with Jack Mitchell... It was you, a fellow Private. Mitchell's best female friend and the woman he's madly in love with. The doors open and Jonathan Irons walks in. With a smug look on his face he walks over to you and gives you a smug look before smiling at Mitchell.

"I wanted to meet the young woman who planned on killing me." Irons voice is cocky. Mitchell tugs at his restraints but you full out try to lunge at Irons. You spit at him. Irons laughs a little as he wipes the spit off his face. He pulls out his pistiol and shoots you in both legs. You howl out in pain before grunting as yout legs give out. The blood drips down and quickly begins to pool around both of your feet. Irons smiles a little as he caress your cheek.

"You're a strong one aren't you? I'll give you thirty minutes to bleed out." Irons leans away and steps up to a table. He picks up a ratchet wrench and walks over to Mitchell. He drags it down the side of Mitchell's face and Mitchell jerks his face away.

"You fucking freak..." You force yourself to stand on shaking lega with a silent scream of pain. You pant in pain before looking at Irons.

"You stain Will's memory. It's a good thing he was nothing like you." You sneer quietly. Irons grinds his teeth together and turns on you.

"What did you say?" He asks quietly as he steps up to you.

"I said that Will was nothing like you." You say, meeting his angry glare with one of your own. There was no way you were going to watch Irons hurt the only friend you had left. Irons suddenly hits you across the face with the wrench. You barely make a noise but the blood flies. You fall forward, trying to stay concious. Irons turns to Mitchell and whispers,

"It's cute that your girlfriend is still trying to save you... You're nothing like Will. You're a failure." With those words, Irons smashes the arm he gave Mitchell. Mitchell cries out in pain as his legs give out. Irons drops the wrench and leaves the room. A few seconds later, Mitchell watches as Ilona and Gideon take out the guards, shooting the window in the process. They jump through before Gideon release Mitchell and Ilona releases you. You fall into her without a sound. Your skin is paleing, your eyes dim. Ilona throws you over her shoulder. It's a good thing your light! Mitchell's heart aches as he goes with Gideon to clear the way out for Ilona and you. He didn't want you to die. He couldn't lose you. He'd lose a part of himself if you died. After about twenty minutes, Ilona and you are top side seccurring an evac while himself and Gideon have to fight their way through. It took them about ten to fifteen minutes to reach you guys. Ilona jumps out and yells for Gideon to drive while she helps you in the bed of the truck. A little while later, Gideon and Mitchell jump out and run back to the end of the truck. They share a look and a deep breath before Gideon drops the tail gate. Mitchell's mouth falls open. There is blood that begins to drip of the back of the truck. Mitchell jumps up into the bed and falls beside you. His eyes travel all over your frame as his eyes begin to glisten. He wouldn't cry. He couldn't. Not anymore... Or so he thinks. You take a shakey breath and barely manage to open your eyes. You feel your way around for Mitchell's hand. He grips yours in a death grip. You manage a small smile.

"You guys better kill that son of a bitch. Ya' hear me?" You state seriously. You look each of them in the eye. Your eyes falls to Mitchell's blue ones again.

"I'll see you on the other side." Mitchell leans forward and crashea his lips against yours. With a small laugh you kiss him back. As he pulls away you feel the tears falling onto your cheeks.

"Hey, at least William won't be alone anymore. And you have other friends here too." Mitchell nods and you smile again.

"I'll see you on the other side." Mitchell says, his voice shaking slightly. You smile a little before you gasp your last breath. You die staring into your lovers eyes.

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