Woods, this is my... {David & Woods}

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Authors Note: So this is actually pretty short and was finished a long time ago but I forgot to publish it... Lol. Dedicated to Indifitel who requested it back in September. (Oops...)

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"Woods, I wanna introduce someone to you." David mumbles, making the older man look up from his coffee and newspaper.

"What?" He says, his brow pulling together. "Speak up David. I can't hear you. Since when do you fucking mumble?" Woods wonders as he grumbles, knowing that the teenage boy in front of him acts more like him when he was age than anything else. Still, Woods can't remember a time that he mumbled. David takes a deep breath, his jaw clenching.

"I SAID I WANT TO INTRODUCE SOMEONE TO YOU FOR CHIRST SAKE OLD MAN." Woods slowly places his coffee cup back down on the table, folding his paper before quickly swatting David on the head, hard, with said news paper.

"Watch your tone with me, boy. It's not my fault you mumbled like a sissie so I couldn't hear you." Woods, actually feeling proud that David raised his voice at him... But that must mean that this is important.

"Sorry..." David says, shoulders slumping ever so slightly before he stands straight again.

"Anyway," Woods starts. "What did you want to show me?" David bites his bottom lip as he motions for someone to come over towards him.

"It's not what, it's who." David says proudly. A girl with glasses and a rounded face walks out from behind the corner she had been hiding in. Woods stares at her, calculating. Her hair was short and messy but despite that she is actually cute. Her eye blue eyes are bright and wild and Woods finds that appealing. She was tall like David but curvy in the hips, with thick thighs. She stood proud but awkward, her arms crossed across her chest as she meets Woods gaze.

"Hi." Is all she says, making the color drain from David's face. Woods bites back a laugh. He stares, rolling his wheelchair away from the table as he rolls towards the two of them. David takes a step in front of the girl out of instinct. The girl raises an eyebrow. Woods just stares.

"She's a fucking nerd. Since when do you roll with the nerds?" Woods asks David sharply, his tone making David shrink visibly. The girl laughs, covering her mouth as she meets Woods gaze. "Something funny?"

"Yeah," she starts with a smile. "You." She says, ending her tone on a cold note. Woods grins.

"So we got a smart ass nerd in this house now?" Wood asks, looking to David. "Speak up boy. The nerd take your tongue in some experiment gone wrong?"

"Nah, that was something else I took." The girl mutters, arms still crossed as she stares at the ceiling, heaving a sigh. Woods snaps his head in her direction.

"What's your name?"





"I used him for a new experiment and haven't seen him for weeks." Her tongue was quick and despite it all Woods found himself laughing. She was infuriating already but that was part of what he liked about her. David was gonna get his talking to later but as of right now, Woods was enjoying his friend.

"Are you dating?"

A pause. Woods raises his eyebrow. David looks as if though he's on the edge of passing out while the girl smiles mischievously.

"Married and pregnant." She grins. "Wondered if you'd be the God Father." David groans, covering his face.

"He's gonna kill me." David grumbles. The girl takes his hand and squeezes it gently. David smiles down at her. Woods watches silently as they rest their foreheads against each other's.

"I approve." Woods says as he turns his chair around to head towards the kitchen. "Would you like to stay for dinner (Name)?"

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