A Moment of Silence {Logan Walker}

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Opening Notes: I had to write this... Like, it was floating around in my brain and I needed to get it out. Logan was very silent throughout the whole game so I can relate it to something with his mother's death? Maybe? Seems like it could work. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! 😶

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You hadn't seen Logan in months. To say that you were happy to see him was the biggest understatement of the year! You smile as he walks over to you, patting you on the head before continuing to walk with his team, Riley sitting beside you happily waiting for Hesh to call him.

"Riley. Come." He shuffles commands as he pats his leg. Riley barks once, sprinting off after them as Hesh gives you a giant smile. He mouths the words, "We'll meet up later" to you and then he's gone into the building.

Meanwhile, you find yourself bored as usual so you'd decide to take a walk around the base. You're not a soldier. Not by any means. So you stay out if the way as much as possible. Sometimes you run small errands for your father and the Walker brother's Father but that's about the extent of it.

After about twenty minutes of walking around, you're boredom seems to have spiked even more so you move towards the barracks instead. Curious as to if Hesh and Logan were done with their meeting yet or not. As you're walking through you wave at a few people here and there who wave or smile at you.

"Hey Runner." They call as they walk by, making you roll your eyes at the nickname. That's what you were really. A runner. Running to get coffee, paperwork, lunch and what not for the boss man: Elias T. Walker. The most infamous Ghost next to Rorke for those that know the truth or are part of the secluded secretive team. You, we're so lucky to have the know, picking up bits if information here and there since you're pretty much invisible to them in their meetings. Just the hand invading their peripheral view to refill their coffee or tray of treats and donuts.

"Remember, (Name). Always bring donuts." You mutter to yourself as you walk, mocking Elias' voice. Not that you really mean any harm but you're bored and irritated. You wanted to do something else. Though, being in the know is good for you. You love gossip and being in the know as much as the next person. You pound on Hesh and Logan's door in an odd melody. A snort is heard as Hesh calls you to come in.

"Come on in (Name)." Rolling your eyes again, you shove the door open with your shoulder after scanning your hand print.

"Heyy..." You call out a little loudly, making Logan look over from where he sits the window, taking in the warmth in a green shirt and his cargo pants. He's always ready to roll out. "Sorry. That was a little loud.." A soft blush tints your cheeks. Logan blinks, nodding as he turns away again, eyes slipping closed. You frown at him before turning to Hesh who greets you with a tight bear hug. Squeaking as he crushes you, you try to wiggle from his grasp.

"Runner! It's been a while! Aren't you glad that I'm still alive?" He asks with a loud laugh as he sets you back down on your feet. You glare at him, fixing yourself with a slight pout.

"No." You mutter which makes him grin wide, gripping the tip of his chin.

"That's because you just want my brother." He murmurs into your ear with a sly grin. You stutter, smacking him upside the head as he groans in pain, rubbing the spot where you had hit him. "Ouch.." He mutters with a pout. You glare again, turning away with a huff. The door clicks and you and Hesh both turn to see the back of Logan's head as he leaves the room. He always did that. The sneaking out thing. That's how you knew that he needed some time alone.

"After all this time...?" A saddness rings in the room at your question as Hesh turns away.

"Always. Ever since that day..." Hesh forces a smile. "Dad doesn't understand it." Hesh says as he paces... "Says Logan was to young to understand what happened." Pain laces his voice before he stops speaking, allowing his mouth to form a straight line as he goes silent.

"Do you want me to try and talk to him?" Your voice is soft. "After all," you take a slow breath before continuing.  "I understand."

"(Name), I didn't mean t-" Hesh starts but you stop him with a smile and a wave of your hand.

"It's fine, Hesh. Really. I'll see if I can find him." You slip from the room quickly before looking around.

Having no idea where you're going to even begin looking for Logan you just begin to walk around asking everyone if they've seen Logan. None of them know ejere he is until you've been looking for two hours and the sun is starting to set.

"Yeah. He's on the roof." A soldier whispers softly so no one else hears him. Makes sense.

"We're not even supposed to be on the roof! That moron..." You hiss softly. Thanking the soldier, he salutes and you jog off to the outside of the hanger.

"Take a left.." You mutter as your turn and walk towards the edge of the budiling. You stare down the shadowed space between the hanger and a storage building before gulping.

"So... Where's the ladder?" You wonder under your breath as you see something glint half way up the building. Your instantly groan. As you walk towards it. Glaring at the ladder.

"How does he even get up there!?" You wonder to yourself as you stare upwards before looking around. "What am I talking about? It's Logan. He could easily get up there..." You climb up on a dumpster before climbing onto the storage roof and running into into a jump to grab onto the ladder. You have to use the wall to help push yourself up because you have weak arms but somehow you manage to get on the ladder and begin climbing. By the time you reach the top, you're cursing under your breath as you flop over the top. Grumbling you fail to see Logan standing over you with a slightly curious glint in his eyes, head tilted. You open your eyes and glare.

"How the hell do you get up here so easy?" You demand, panting. He looks back behind him before turning back to you.

"I use the non-broken ladder..." He mutters barely above a whisper. Your eye twitches.

"What are you even doing up here?" You ask softly, taking the hand he offers to help you. He just presses a finger to his lips and taps his heart. Covering his ears before sitting down on the blanket he had snuck up there with him. You follow him him and sit down.

"A moment of silence..." You whisper in awe when he turns to you, nodding slowly.

"You'll always have a lifetime of silence for the loss of your mother..." Guilt fills your insides as he cringe slightly.

"Mind if I have a moment of silence with you?" Logan shakes his head, the corners of his mouth tilting up in a silent smile as if in understanding.

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Ending Notes: I will be back to edit this and make it longer but I needed it out of the way for now since I'm writing a sexy Logan X Reader X Hesh trio... 😍

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