[REQUEST] Logan Walker X Injured Reader

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Author's Note: Edited on 11/19/23. I am going through all of my old stuff and editing everything as much as possible to get rid of grammatical errors. 😊

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"I'm fine, really!" You say with a laugh, wearing a cast on your left leg. You pat your leg gently. "'Tis but a flesh wound." You grin, hands on your hips. David raises an eyebrow at you.

"I'm still wondering how the hell you managed to break your leg falling up the stairs...?" He asks with a sense of amazement. You blush bright red at his comment, smacking him on the arm

"David, you swore you wouldn't tell anyone!" You whisper shout at him, throwing your hands in the air.

"Whoops." He says mutters with a smirk, his own hands up in an oh, well type of shrug. "Well, now that the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, you might as well tell everyone!" David grins, hands on his own hips. You gulp, rubbing the back of your head sheepishly.

"I don't think anyone is interested.." You mutter in a small manner, hoping no one was listening to y'all.

"Also, who is taking care of you? You can barely manage to wiggle your toes, let alone move around on a bum leg." He asks out of nowhere, his tone more serious now as he crosses his arms. You huff, crossing your own arms at his question.

"You're such a dick." He just gives you a chaste kiss on the cheek, turning and smiling evilly at his brother when he feels his gaze on his back. David waves his hand, unfazed by it at this point in his life. "Put that death glare away, Logan. It doesn't bother me. I'm just curious as to who is going to help take care of (Y/N)." Logan looks away from Hesh with a soft heave of breath. David could be so annoying sometimes.

"I don't need a babysitter, David. I'm a grown ass woman." You huff now as well, annoyed. You don't miss Logan scanning your body with from the side. Your gaze tries to meet his but he's already look away. Did you imagine that? Nah. You couldn't have.

"Yes. Yes you are." Hesh snickers, making you burst out laughing.

"Oh, my God Hesh!" You manage between laughs, accidentally twisting in a way that makes you gasp in pain and grab your leg, still managing to laugh through the pain somehow. "That was good. That was really good." You mutter, wiping away a tear from pain and laughing.

"You should be in bed resting, (Y/N)." Keegan interrupts, his voice holding no room for another second of argument or fun. You nod your head.

"Aye, you're right. I was just heading back to my room when I ran into you guys." You smile, hands on your hips. "Can I catch a ride back though? I twisted my leg and now the whole thing aches and I don't dare try to wobble on it anymore."

"Yeah, hop in." Keegan says, climbing into the buggy where Logan is waiting for them. You hop onto the back end of it, clinging to the bars so you don't fall off.

"Please drive carefully. Anything can make my leg act up." You shout over the noise of the hanger. David just nods but by the time you're back to your room, your leg is absolutely throbbing so somehow Logan ends up helping you because you're in tears from the pain the ride has caused.

"Thank you." You say softly as Logan sets you down on the couch in your room before going back and closing the door before he comes back to kneel in front of you. Silently, he begins to unlace your boots for you. You try to tell him that he doesn't need to do that but he just ignores you anyway. You sigh, chin in your hand as he sets them to the side.

"You need to change." He says suddenly. offering you his arm to help you up. You take his arm, leaning on him heavily to get up off the couch. He helps you to the dresser. You dig through it, finding a comfortable nightgown that you can put on. You take your shirt off, leaving your bra on, before pulling the nightgown on over your head, before reaching back and undoing the clasps of your bra. Your toss it into your dirty clothes bin.

"Done now." Logan turns to look at you again as you wobble back into the room from the bathroom.

"Pants." Logan says coolly, crossing his arms. You can't help but blush.

"I can't get them off by myself..." You mutter quietly. Looking away from him until he suddenly lifts up your nightgown and undoes your pants. You smack his hands away out of surprise.

"Logan! What the fuck?!" You yell, angry.

"What? It's nothing I haven't seen before." He says unimaginably calm, looking you in the eyes. You slap him across the face before you have a chance to stop yourself. He hisses, holding his cheek as he blinks in surprise. You blink a few times, your hand stinging.

"I'm sorry but get out."" You say. Logan stalks to the door quietly, pissed that you slapped him before he leaves, slamming the door. Wobbling to the bed you manage to get your pants off so you can lay down and relax comfortably in your bed. You close eyes, heart beating wilding in your chest. You felt terrible about the slap but you're also pissed about the phrase of his words.

"Damn it." You mutter angrily, laying your arm over your eyes. You know he isn't good with his words but you had over reacted. You'd have to apologize properly later when you were feeling better.

Sometime later, Logan opens the door to your room. You point your loaded 1911 at him eyes wide and wild, just waking up from a noise in your room. He stares at you until you relax.

"Fucking Christ Logn!" You shout at him angrily, he just silently moves into the room. "Knock first. I could have shot your ass." You mumble, putting the gun back under your pillow. He's in a pair of sweatpants and a grey t-shirt. You look him up and down before looking back at the TV. "What do you want?" You ask as you yawn. Logan crawls into bed net to you without a word. You don't even react. You've known him and David forever. You all grew up together sharing a bed and sleeping bags until you got older.

"I'm sorry." Is all he says as he stretches out next to you. You yawn again, waving your hand at him.

"It's fine." You say a little shortly. You turn the TV off and then the lamp, settling down for the night. You would never admit it out loud but Logan made you feel safe when he was close by. So did David. You were just glad that it was Logan who was helping you out until you got better though. "I'm sorry too." You admit in the darkness, Logan moves his face into the crook of your neck, his arm laying across your tummy. "I feel terrible about slapping you." Your only response is a deep hum followed by snoring. You can't help but to laugh. You were already forgiven. You close your eyes again, enjoying his warmth as you slip off into sleep again.

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