[⚠️ M!Reader] BJ {Ghost}

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Author's Note: Seriously, this couldn't leave my head. And I know I'm normally trying to write my reader inserts to leave them open as much as possible but they ARE based on a female character because I'm a female. So, I'm going to try my hand at another male X male since it's been a while and if it works out, this is probably going to become a full story! 🖤😉  Steven is your call sign because you hate it. Soap is your absolute best friend and he gave it to you a few years back much to your demise. LMAO. 🤣 Unless your real name is Steven then feel free to change it to a real name that you hate. 😭

Also, please be patient with your requests! I am working on them and want to make sure they're perfect for you. But I will be posting my own stuff around them as well.

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"Look at th'bastard go." Soap drawls out, chugging back his beer after stumbling over and plopping back down next to Ghost. "Steven is going all out." Soap is literally your best friend but Keegan is quickly becoming a second as a fellow American. There wasn't a lot of them in the 141 and it made you feel watched.

Under a little more criticism.

So, seeing you let loose in the pub, dancing with a ring of local women surround by you and Keegan as you both get down, kicking your cowboy boots against the hard floor just like their an extension of you, Ghost can't help but watch from the corner. His eyes watch as you twirl every girl who comes your way, your eyes lighting up whenever a certain song comes on that you absolutely adore. He grits his teeth when Keegan leans in and whispers something in your ear, noticing his hand on the small of your back, slamming back his beer. Soap bursts out laughing when Ghost scowls. Ghost mean mugs Soap but looks back to you just in time to see you drop your head back, eyes fluttering closed from the mix of alcohol and amusement, laughing. It was the absolute best thing he's ever heard in his life.

"Piss off, Johnny." Ghost grunts. Ignoring his follow up cackle. Watching you laugh made his pants feel a little tighter for some reason. He grunts, raising his hand to get the bartender to bring another round without his eyes ever leaving you. God, you were intoxicating in your own way and it was infuriating. You shove Keegan playfully, before coming over to join Soap and Ghost at their booth, going silent as you get closer to the table. Greeting the two with a small nod, eyes scanning over the bar.

"Looking for your next fuck?" Ghost muses to himself, savoring the sight. Tipping his glass with his finger as he stares at the table, slightly annoyed that you go quiet around him. Even though he's not much of a talker either. You kick back in the seat, spreading your legs, jeans fitting tight and showing every inch of your thick legs, your shirt is black and long sleeved while your dog tags hang loosely outside of your shirt. And you're wearing a cowboy hat. But your mask.

"Oh, you naughty fucking boy." Ghost smirks behind his mask, watching you without even looking at you. You wore the same exact mask as him. And it was infuriating. But also hot. And he had to respect that you wouldn't give it up. Soap even tried to convince you one time and all you did was fucking shrug it off. Then look Ghost dead in the eye and shrug again! Without a damn word you had thrown down the fucking gauntlet and it had been a challenge with everything ever since. You re-adjust in your seat, fixing yourself a bit. Ghost not missing it. You catch his stare, not looking away from him as a tall man walks up to you and asks you to dance. Ghost looks over at you and you smirk behind your mask. Ghost growls under his breath as he see's you nod your head in agreement to dance with the man. You get up slowly from the table, lifting your mask enough to down your glass of whiskey, looking Ghost dead in the eye as you lick the last drop of whiskey off your bottom lip. Grinning wickedly, before pulling your mask back down. No one else saw your challenge. Ghost was growing tired of your games. He was getting pissed now. You stalked your way to the dance floor with the man. You were slightly smaller than Ghost but definitely not any weaker than him. You held your own against him easily but when it came to hand to hand combat he had more experience than you so he always won, though you were getting better every day. You took every chance you could get to learn from the guys in the 141. That's also what attracted him to you. You were no slouch. And you definitely were not a rookie or a weak link on missions. You're a veteran for a reason.

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