[REQUEST] Marry Me (Part 2) {Mike and David}

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Author's Note: I had no idea where this was going but just imagining it I was getting annoyed and laughing at the same time and this is the end result... Lol. Enjoy!

"(Name)! (Naaame)! (Naaaaaaamee!)" David yells drunkenly over the loudness of the party currently raging at your crib. You groan, knowing that tone well. You sip your drink casually, meeting him half way across the living room, catching him when he trips.

"Careful, David." You laugh at his drunken thanks for catching him. He grabs your shoulder, trying to look you straight in the eyes. Pointing at you as he holds his beer.

"(Name), (Name), (Name)." He starts, your name slurring together. You open your mouth to say something but he shushed you.

"Yes?" He drags his fingers down your face, making you blink.

"No, no, no. (Name). No. Just listen to me for a second." You quirk an eyebrow at him as he shakes his head.

"God..." You think to yourself as he talks.

"Marry me." He says suddenly.

"David," He shushed you again.

"No, no, no. Just listen." He hiccups. "Marry Me. And then I'll take good care of you. You be home Mrs... Mrs... What's my name?" He says suddenly. You can't help but laugh.

"David Mason, I think you need to be done with drinking for now." You manage but he just talks over you.

"Yes! You'll become Mrs. Mason! You just gotta say yes." You lead David to one of the bedroom, pushing him on the bed.


"(Name), no. I don't wanna go to bed!" He pouts but rolls over after you tug his boots off. He manages to pull you awkwardly onto the bed, twisted in a funny way so that every time you tried to move it hurt. You lay with him until he passes out cold. You manage to wiggle yourself free from his arms and slip out if the bedroom. You meet Mike outside the door, smiling at him. He's just gotten back from patrol. He swoops you up into his arms, having seen David passed out in your bed.

"I won't let him win you over."

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